Fear - Maurei Balfour

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'I've got fire for a heart,
I'm not scared of the dark'
-One Direction

                          'Sweet dreams are made
                           of this,who am I to

                          'Sweet dreams are made                           of this,who am I to                           disagree?'                           -Eurythmics

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Dating with Maurei Balfour is one of the most beautiful things that could've happened to me.
We met at school, when he was helping his brother Duane to become president of the school against Chad,they needed someone to help them with the technological things,and so I took my opportunity and helped them,then Maurei asked me out and we started dating.
He's sweet and kind, he's adorable,I mean,he's a very good boyfriend.
But since a month,he's been seeing a certain man with a burned face and long blades replacing his fingers,I didn't believe him,cause he was basically saying that he was seeing Freddy Kruger in his dreams,but it wasn't possible, he didn't exist.
Like the other night Maurei called me all scared because he said that he saw Freddy in his dreams and he threatened him,obviously I try my best to make him understand that he doesn't exist, and I fake to believe him so he won't feel bad,but this thing has to stop.
I'm trying everything to make him calm down, but nothing worked because every night,he says that he sees him in his dreams.
Twenty minutes ago he called me saying that his mom was going out with his brother Duane and if I could stay with him to keep him company, and of course I accepted,maybe I could convince him that Freddy doesn't exist.
So I put on my shoes and tied the laces tightly, and grabbed my purse,along with my keys,I walked out of my house and locked the door,making my way towards his house.
I walked out of my garden,checking the clock '7:30 pm' perfect.
I'm currently heading towards his house,with my bag in my hands,as I tried to think how to say to him that Freddy doesn't exist.
As I walked, I looked around. The streets were full of cars,some driving slow,others driving fast,and some were stopping cause a mom and her kids had to cross the street.
I wasn't far from his house,so I could walk on foot till there,I fixed my brown purse as I held my purse tightly, making sure it didn't opened suddenly,as my steps were getting closer to the big white house in the distance, recognizing it immediately from his mom's blue car.
I kept walking till I reached the big garden with the white fence and opened the gate,stepping in carefully and closing it behind me.
I looked around his huge beautiful garden,the grass was a beautiful green,and it smelled like fresh grass just cut,the air was fresh, and there were a lot of beautiful flowers growing.
I watched them till I arrived towards the door,and knocked on it slightly.
I waited for a bit before a terrified Maurei opened the door,I looked at him confused as he opened the door for me and hugged me immediately, squeezing me tight in his hug "I saw him" he said scared,as he kept squeezing me "who?" I asked,slightly out of breath cause of the tight embrace "Freddy Kruger" he looked up at me with wide eyes, and I sighed "again?" He nodded and kept hugging me "you want to talk about it?" He nodded again and pulled away slightly as he grabbed my hand and led me towards his sofa,making me sit down with him.
He looked around nervously as he patted his knees with his hands,then he looked back at me "I was reading in my room,and then I suddenly fell asleep, while I was sleeping I saw him appear in front of me,and he will find me" he said terrified as he grabbed my hand,squeezing it tightly, I looked at him surprised "really? But,maybe you dream of him because you're so scared that he will appear in the reality" I tried to explain as calmly as I could,he looked at me and shook his head "no Y/n you don't understand, he's everywhere, everywhere I look,when I sleep,and I started seeing him even out of my window" he said the last part with a whisper,afraid that Freddy might actually hear him,I sighed and rubbed his back "Listen Maurei, maybe you're just overreacting and imagining things,everyone dreams bad things,you'll see that it won't happen again" he sighed and looked at me "you sure?" I nodded and he sighed, leaning back against the couch "if you say so" he said,gazing out of the window,looking at the blue sky,I looked at him "wanna watch a movie?" I asked as I stared at him,he looked back at me and nodded "everything but horror" he said with wide eyes and I giggled "sure" I kissed his head and grabbed the remote,as I started flipping through the channels,looking for a movie,not horror of course.
After a while, I found a movie called 'Where the Heart is'. It seems nice,I pushed the button to start, and the movie started,while me and Maurei watched it intently.
While we were at the middle of the movie I felt Maurei's head on my shoulder,I looked at him and noticed that he was sleeping,I smiled as I looked back at the movie,letting him sleep peacefully.
Time skip
After a while, I started getting sleepy too,I yawned slightly before checking the clock '9:00 pm' already? I groaned slightly and sighed, as the movie ended,I looked over at Maurei and shook his shoulder slightly "Hey,baby" I whispered at him,he rubbed his eyes slightly and looked up at me,I smiled at him "I'm going home okay? It's very late" I said to him,he sat up slightly "you want me to walk you?" He asked and I shook my head "it's fine,keep sleeping" I smiled and got up,kissing his head,I grabbed my purse and walked towards the door,opening it "see you tomorrow" he nodded and I closed the door.
I started walking towards my house,wondering what else will Maurei dream,and how to calm him down.
Eventually I arrived at my house,it was a house in the woods,cause my dad doesn't really like staying close to other houses,cause in the past someone burned his house i think,so since Maurei's house is kinda isolated we live near.
I arrived and opened the door,only to see my dad sitting on the armchair, reading a newspaper, I sighed "where were you?" He asked me,while lowering his newspaper "I was at Maurei's house" he raised an eyebrow "mhm" he got up and went in front of the fire,as he looked at me "you know,if they find you,they will make you become like me" he said,as I stared at his face,I sighed and sat next to him "Okay,sorry..,but could you at least stop scaring my boyfriend? He's terrified of you" I said as I looked at him,he smiled "I'm sorry sweetheart, but it's too funny seeing him yell like that,but if it bothers you,I'll try to stop" I smiled at him "Okay,thanks dad".

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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