Bodyguard - Dean Taylor 2

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'You didn't cheat,but
you're still a traitor'
-Olivia Rodrigo

                           'That way when you play
                            the game,baby you can
                            never lose'
                            -Miley Cyrus

                           'That way when you play                            the game,baby you can                            never lose'                            -Miley Cyrus

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Y/n was the worst client I've ever worked for,she was stubborn and didn't want to acknowledge my rules.
For fuck sake,those rules were important, those were security rules,and she refused to listen to me,every single time.
Thank god that already three months had passed,she already tested my patience, and if she keeps testing it I might explode,but I can't, because I promised Paul to find her files and bring her to him,so I have to be cold and emotionless,so she won't get suspicious.
I observed her with a cold look as she was at the counter of the bar 'From Annie's',as she was ordering her breakfast.
She always came here when she wanted a good breakfast, every Saturday morning at 8 am,she comes here,goes to the counter and orders a salty caramel cappuccino with a brioche filled of jam.
I looked at her, waiting for her to say her order "i would like a salty caramel cappuccino with a brioche, filled of jam possibly" she said to the bartender,told ya. As she was about to come back I raised my paper and started reading it again.
She came back to the table and sat in front of me,as she looked around "Don't you think this is a beautiful place?" She asked while looking at the colorful bar,I raised an eyebrow and looked around "very" I said sarcastically as I looked at her,I hate colorful things,they remind me of happiness, and happiness is for losers.
"Come on put that down and look around" she complained while snatching the paper from my hands with a smile,I sighed and rolled my eyes,god I hate that smile,she's always able to convince me.
I started looking around, the tables were filled with happy couples or people chatting, the shop windows had different types of food,including brioches,donuts,biscuits, pastries and cakes,and behind that there were the machines for the coffee,the cappuccino,and other ones.
"It's not that bad I guess" I said with a cold voice as I had my arms crossed, she smiled at me "see? I told you" she smiled at the bartender as he gave her her breakfast, and that guy smiled back,I glared at him,who did he think he is? Smiling at her like that,with that idiotic smile and that fuck face he has,pathetic.
The guy saw my glare and walked away,towards the counter again. Good choice.
I looked at her as she ate her brioche and sipped her cappuccino,while looking around "aw,aren't they cute?" She said,motioning to the couples around us "mhm" I replied coldly,as I stared at her,how could she be so happy all the time? It was almost unbelievable, always smiling and being positive, not a thing for me for sure.
After awhile she finished eating her brioche and sipped her cappuccino, she looked up at him with her y/c eyes.
I raised an eyebrow, Paul told me to take informations from her to arrive to her private codes for her money,so I have to start my work "so,how are your parents?" I asked nonchalantly, as she looked at me confused "Uh,they're well" she simply said,damn,if she gave me all short and basic answers how am I supposed to take informations from her? I sighed "Yeah,but..are they busy?" What a dumb question, of course they're busy,they're the queen and the king,Y/n chuckled slightly "I mean,yeah,they're the king and the queen so I guess yeah" i nodded "they're basically out everyday, so there are not much people that look at the castle besides the guards" she said,that made my ears pirk up,now that's interesting, she got up as she finished her cappuccino "already finished?" I asked as I got up too,she nodded and walked towards the counter, as I took out my phone and dialed Paul's number, after awhile he answered "Dean? What's up?" He asked kinda worried "nothing much,but I have something new" I could see Paul's surprised face from the other side of the number "What did you find out?" He asked curiously, I smiled at myself "her parents are out of the castle everyday,there are only some guards that check the castle,if I can arrive in the where all the cameras are,I can turn them off and go to the main room,and steal the money" we've been planning this for months,and it was finally time to act,but not now,it would've been too soon,considering I've been with her only for three months,I have to wait at least for one month,Paul sighed happily "alright, good job,keep trying to take informations from her and then do your magic" Paul said,and I smiled "of course" I turned around, only to see that Y/n was still at the counter,as she was paying with a lot of cents,damn,that girl really is something else,it was enough just seeing the desperate face of the bartender to understand that she probably paid everything in 5 cents.
I chuckled slightly to myself and turned off the call with Paul,as I walked towards her.
She smiled happily when she finished her cents and paid everything "and done,sorry for taking too much" the bartender smiled "no problem" I glared at him,again him and his fuck face,I bet a little punch would fit well in that 'perfect' face he has,I looked at him,as I focused on his target 'Carl' mhm,just a name as ugly as him,who the heck names his son Carl? I looked back at Y/n,who was closing her wallet.
The bartender smiled at her as he gave her the receipt, with a little yellow piece of paper,I raised an eyebrow as I snatched the little piece of paper off of the receipt quickly, luckily neither of them noticed.
I opened it and saw this written 'Hey,here's my number 378*****,call me' the hell is this? Who still gives this shitty things at his age? It's cringe and useless,well,his face says it all,he clearly is as lame as his face.
I scoffed and threw away the piece of paper,I don't know why but I started feeling a burning sensation in me,like a little flame that was starting to slowly grow,transforming into a little fire that made me want to rip the boy apart, it took me some minutes to understand what that new emotion was,I looked at her as she smiled at the bartender, as the fire grew,becoming bigger and dangerous, I narrowed my eyebrows,as I realized what it was jealousy.

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