things you didn't say at all 💜

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A/n: Word count is 2,666. 😈

Donnie held both your hands in his own and looked at you with such a kind, gentle gaze. His smile was anxious yet genuine. He breathed deeply to calm himself before he spoke. "I know we're friends and I don't want to ruin that but I can't hide how I feel, I'm doing a bad job of it anyhow." Donnie chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "What I'm trying to say is that I like you- romantically." He ended awkwardly.  

You stood there dumbfounded. "That's... better." You didn't sound too convincing. 

Donnie groaned, letting go of your hands, far too quickly in your opinion. "That was worse than the last one!"

"No, not at all. You spoke from the heart, like I said. Just, try not to ramble so much." You crossed your arms over your chest, suddenly feeling very cold and alone. 

Donnie propped his chin on his hand. "Y/n, I don't think this is working."

"Should I wear something yellow?" 

"I'm serious. I'll never find the right words to tell her how I feel. Even when I know what I want to say, my mind goes blank when I try to talk to her, especially when we're alone. It's like all I can do is humiliate myself!"

"That's the price of being love-struck." You were reminded of the many times you embarrassed yourself because you were too busy daydreaming about a certain purple clad turtle. Like when one of his brothers or Donnie himself bested you during training or an enemy landed a 'surprise' attack. "How about writing her a letter?"

"No, with three brothers, I can't have blackmail lying around."

"Hm, good point." You racked your brain for a new idea based on the mental notes you were taking all afternoon. "Okay, keep it simple this time. Short and sweet, come on! You got this!" You had to encourage him, you couldn't stand to see the upset expression on his face much longer. 

Donnie nodded. "May I?" He pointed at your hands. 

"Yeah." You silently told the butterflies in your stomach to calm the eff down.

You and Donnie were holding hands at the exact moment Mikey walked in.  

"Woah! Things are gettin' steamy in here!" The orange masked turtle laughed, leaning against the entrance to the lab. 

Leo and Raph poked their heads in and didn't even try to hide their laughter. 

You knew at that moment you and Donnie weren't going to walk away from this unscathed. You tried to pull your hands away but Donnie seemed frozen in place, his face quickly turning scarlet. You were at the mercy of his teasing brothers. 

"You guys wanna tell us something?" Raph asked. 

"No!" You said too quickly, stammering. Your whole body felt like it was on fire from how flustered you were.  

Donnie finally came to life and dropped your hands. "Would you guys be quiet? We were just conducting an experiment!" 

'THAT SOUNDS WORSE YOU EGGHEAD!'  You mentally yelled at Donnie.  

"What kind of experiment?" Mikey asked intentionally. 

After their laughter died down and they got Donnie sufficiently irritated, Raph put his hands up, "whatever you say, casanova." He walked away. 

Leo chuckled. "Feel free to join us on patrol when you two are finished holding hands."  

"Leo..." You grumbled under your breath as he walked away. He was usually the one who defended you from teasing. What a traitor. 

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