the fallen angel - lance.s and sergio.p

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Tag: smutt, including sex scene, confession, religion stuff, lance is bottom.


Sergio didn’t consider himself very religious. He went to Sunday School like every other kid from a religion family, and he still let himself be guilted into attending on Christmas and Easter, but that was pretty much it.

However, as much as he didn’t consider himself religious, he still prayed.

Twice, every Sunday, he prayed. Did sergio believe in a god? He wasn’t sure. It felt a lot like Santa Claus sometimes- something you just grow up knowing is true and get used to acting like it is.

It’s really a habit at this point to spend Sunday mornings alone so he can speak to a deity that may or may not be there, whenever he speaks he just felt like something punching him.

But then he'll just forgetting afterwards.

This was the first praying: before every race, sergio locked himself in his driver’s room for like fifteen minutes and tried to barter with God or whatever it is.

Being a racing driver was everything he’d ever wanted and ask for but he was still putting his life on the risk line so every time he went out on track.

Saying all his fears and hopes out loud each morning at least made sergio feel like something stronger than him was looking out at himself.

The second prayer happened after the race.

Not immediately after; usually Sunday night but sometimes Monday morning. The adrenaline that comes with making it through another race needs something to focus on, something to worship in exchange for making it another week in his crazy life or even better not bitter.

He’s not alone for his second prayer, though. While his first prayer is for himself, the second is for the object of his adoration.

God may get him crazy, panicked mumblings but his angel got sergio’s steady attention, his dutiful veneration.

His angel, because lance always looked like on spread out underneath him. looking desperately and keep mumbling his name with a small shaky voice.

The triangle his arms formed by his head imitated wings, the glow of pleasure on his skin like angelic light. Instead of trumpets, lance’s moans will play if sergio was ever gets to heaven. He probably won’t though.

The devil was an angel once, too also the devil was a beauty and how it look might be different from bible because angel and devil has a beauty look and human could mistake them that they are the same because the beautiful face they had.

But he wanted to be superior to God, refused to be subservient to a creature he thought below him. Sergio agrees with him when he drops to his knees in front of his lover, whispering confessions into the skin of his hips, the white porcelain skin that look soft and almost look like angels skin like in the italian church paint.

The devil was said to have tempted mankind with a fruit. Most likely a pomegranate but it was commonly symbolized an apple today. But however, some theorized it was actually sex that he had tempted Eve with and some thought its a symbolizes a sin.

Because however pomegranate means Symbol of death and fertility, and the story behind it was Alongside death, the pomegranate symbolised fertility in Ancient Greece and Rome. It had a strong association to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, as well as Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth.

If that is the case, sergio can understand why people imagine an apple. Sex, holy, sacrilegious sex, was red. Red where lance flushed down to his chest. Red where sergio had bitten his lips raw. Red where the blood rushing to their body that making both of them flushed, Red where lance’s dick stood hard and begging to be touched and to be stroked. Lance was sergio’s vice, his oldest temptation.

Even before he knew how to pleasure him with his tongue, his mouth, his finger, or his cock- he knew he would give anything to make lance happy. He’d give up his family, his friends, his God to give Lance the most important place in his life.

Everything else came second to the angel he had the honor of giving himself to. Sergio didn’t think he was very religious.

But when he pressed kisses into Lance’s naked thighs, licked into him and made him scream, calling his name and moaning, sergio felt like it. He felt like he had been born just for this: to serve the beautiful fallen angel that had somehow landed in his bed and his life and his heart.

Sergio found revelations when he pushed inside of Lance. Atonement when he came yelling Sergio’s name. Salvation when they were both sated and tangled together.“I love you,” Sergio confessed into the soft, familiar curve of Lance’s porcelain curve neck.

A kiss was pressed to the top of his head. And he was forgiven of every sin committed in the name of his true loving god.

He didn't care if his take get tooken he want his pretty angel keep alive and keep calling his name, the fallen angel that always look at him with their brown doe eyes.


If you find this same as the loscar in AO3 well yes it's actually my inspiration, and if it's so much same I'll chance a bit the word or the story line.

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