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Welcome my friends to my-

Book of Lemons!

Anyway, this chapter will contain the rules and other details of this book.

For starters, as you may have guessed, there are rules because you will be allowed to request specific lemons.


1- Only characters canon to My Hero Academia

2- No more than four characters

3- Eri is off limits (I trust my followers, but I need to be careful)

4- I refuse to write Izuku x Inko

5- Be patient, I will not write your request as soon as I get it.

Those are all the rules for now, but know that I am not afraid to make more should the need arise. There are some small guidelines I have that you don't need to follow.

A: I am better at writing straight lemons than non-straight, so straight requests would be preferred, but I am not afraid to write gay or lesbian lemons if you really want it.

B: You can ask for anyone x anyone, as long as the request complies with the rules above.

C: To make it easier for me, I would prefer if any Izuku requests has him with One For All.

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