Izuku x Kyoka and Mika Jirou (Prelude)

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The request from zetathewolf.

(Just a small explanation for this, I am having the room competition, as well as Izuku and Bakugo's fight happened the day AFTER 1-A moves into the dorms.)


Izuku stepped out of his dorm room, which he had just finished decorating. Seeing no one around, he figured they were all downstairs in the common space. He decided to join them so he made his way to the elevator and went down. Once the doors opened, he soon realized that only a few classmates were in the common space. He saw Kirishima, Ashido, Koda, Aoyama, Kyoka, and.... Kyoka? He shook his head, but the second Earphone Jack wielder was still there.

Confused, he walked over. As he did, he noticed this person was a little taller than Kyoka, and bigger in a few areas. He finally reached this mystery person and tapped on her shoulder.

Izuku: "U-um, pardon me. But may I ask who you are?"

The person turned around. Izuku noticed she was wearing glasses and had some resemblance to Kyoka who was sitting on a couch not too far away.

???: "Oh, me? I'm Mika Jirou. And you are?"

Izuku: "Izuku Midoriya. Are you Jirou's sister?"

Mika let out a soft laugh.

Mika: "Not at all! I'm her mother! Do I really look that young?"

Izuku: "Yeah you do! B-b-butnottosayyoulookTOOyoung thatmightbeaninsu-"

Another laugh.

Mika: "Relax. It's a complement. You really are all that Kyoka made you out to be Midoriya. I though she was joking about your muttering."

Izuku looked confused.

Izuku: "She, talks about me?"

Mika nodded.

Mika: "She even told me about what happened at the camp. Are your arms okay?"

Izuku smiled and looked at his arms.

Izuku: "For now. But I hope I never have to do that again."

Mika: "As do I. I'd hate to see such a cute and strong young man like you forced to retire before he begins."

Izuku's face gained a red tint.

Izuku: "U-uh, thank y-you."

Mika smiled and giggled.

Mika: "I wish Kyotoku could've joined us. He'd love to meet you."

Izuku: "If he's Jirou's father, I'd be glad to meet him. Why didn't he join you?"

Mika's smike wavered for just a moment.

Mika: "No reason."

Izuku: "Mrs. Jirou, if there's something wrong, you can tell me. It's a hero's job to help after all."

Mika stayed silent for a moment before sighing.

Mika: "Alright. But Kyoka will come too. Sje sound know that you know."

Izuku nodded.

Mika: *Loudly* "Kyoka! Come for a walk with me!"

Kyoka stood from her seat.

Kyoka: "Sure."

She walked over to the two.

Kyoka: "Are you coming too Midoriya?"

Izuku: "Yeah."

Kyoka: "Alright."

The three then left the building and began walking the sidewalks around the dorm section of the campus. After a couple minutes, Mika spoke up.

Mika: "Midoriya, this is a very, sensitive topic for me and Kyoka, so I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone."

Izuku: "Of course."

Kyoka: "Mom? Are you telling him about you and dad?"

Mika nodded.

Mika: "He wants to help and yes, I know there isn't really any helping to be done. I'm sure having someone know might help us both."

Kyoka nodded.

Kyoka: "I see."

The two sighed and Mika faced Izuku once more.

Mika: "The reason Kyotoku couldn't come, is because he doesn't live with us anymore. Me and him... we had a divorce. Before you worry, it wasn't messy or anything, we just didn't love each other anymore."

Izuku: "I see. Am I safe in assuming it's too fresh foe the two of you to come at the same time?"

Mika nodded.

Izuku: "To be honest, I can kind of understand."

Kyoka: "You can?"

Izuku: "Yeah. The last time I saw my dad was when I was four. He's been overseas the whole time for work and sending over money. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes living with separated parents can be hard, especially for the one you're living with."

He stopped so so did they. He gave them a wide smile.

Izuku: "If either of you need help, don't be afraid to come to me."

The two stared at him for a moment before Mika smiled and put her hand to her heart.

Mika: "Thank you Midoriya. I can see why you're in the hero course."

Kyoka: "Yeah, thanks."

Izuku: "No problem. We should probably get back."

Both Jirous nodded and the group begab their walk back. A few moments of silence went by before Kyoka spoke up again.

Kyoka: "Um, I need to talk to my mom real quick. We'll catch up Midoriya."

Izuku: "Of course."

He nodded and kept walking while mother and daughter turned to each other.

Mika: "What is it Kyoka?"

Kyoka: "Well. I just feel like we should do something for him, to return the favor."

Mika: "As much as I would like to, I think we both know he would deny anything we give him. As far he sees it, he doesn't need anything in return."

Kyoka: "I know. But still, we should try. Do you have any ideas?"

Mika stayed silent for a moment before looking to Izuku who was still walking away. She smiled and bit her lip slightly.

Mika: "Yes I do."


Izuku laid awake in bed. He was still thinking about Mika and Kyoka, wondering how he could help at all. He was about to turn over to go to sleep, when he heard a knock at his door. Wondering who it could be so late at night, he got up and walked over. He looked through his peephole, just to see black, as if someone was blocking it with their finger.

Izuku: "Weird."

He twisted his door knob and opened the door to see both Mika and Kyoka waiting outside. Kyoka looking far more nervous than her mother.

Mika: "Hello Midoriya. How can we please you tonight?"

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