Taking After My Brother

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I wake up in my bed. I don't remember going to sleep. I'm not sure I had thought I would be able to sleep after I killed someone... is this how the Cameron's feel? It felt good and bad at the same time as I took in the fact that my father is dead - a monster who had made all of our lives miserable is dead.

I go downstairs, frowning slightly at the table that's full of breakfast. I tug on the end of my shirt out of nervousness as my mom sets down plates. "What's all this for?" I ask.

"For you," she answers. She offers me a smile. I get an uneasy feeling. "Sit down, dear. Eat something. I made plenty of food." I sit down slowly. "I heard the SBI is now involved in finding John B." I look at her as she sits down across from me... where dad would have been. She's taking his death well. "I understand that you'll leave soon to look-"

"Why are you not afraid of me? Why am I not in jail right now? I killed dad."

She stops cutting her pancakes. She doesn't meet my gaze. "I am afraid of you, Gwen." That makes my blood become cold. "I was afraid of Jake for the same reason." I frown in confusion: Jake never killed anyone... did he? "But unlike your father, you and your brother did what you did to protect people. You're not a monster. You're just scary." I move the eggs on my plate, taking this information in. "Which is why you're not going to jail. It was self defense." She finally looks at me. "And it also gives me the impression that I should hear you out about this whole thing with John B."

I don't know how to feel.

. the cool kids .

I've gotta tell Shoupe. That's the thought that makes me go to the police station but it's not the thought that stays when I see Sarah Cameron being held by an officer. No. The thought that takes over my head when I see her is to call out: "Rapunzel!"

Sarah looks at me. She stops struggling for a moment. The officer frowns in confusion before he's kneed. The blonde runs. Officers shout, running and stumbling over one another as they chase her but she's in my arms moments later, using the momentum to spin around before we run together.

There goes telling Shoupe, I think to myself as she leads me away from the station.

. the cool kids .

I clear my throat. "This is adorable, really is," I say as John B and Sarah hug, "but I have many things I want to yell at you and I cannot right now because we need to run before the cops get here and they are most definitely on their way so do you have an exit plan?"

John B breaks his hug with Sarah. "For once, Ghost, I have a plan."


And soon enough, we're paddling ourselves out into the water on bodyboards. John B tells me what JJ has planned, telling me where I can meet them. And so, that's when I leave... to let them have a moment together.

. the cool kids .

The big door opens.

"There she be," JJ's voice says. I push off the wall. "Hey, girl. A 1982 Formula 402 SR1."

"And here I thought you were talking to me," I say. JJ, Taylor, and Kiara look at me. I see relief flood their faces. Before JJ can say something, I cross my arms. "No texts. No calls. Nothing. Do you know where I've looked? Do you know what I've done to try and find you guys?" JJ tries again. "Just get her ready. Let's get John B safe."

"How'd you know where we were going?" Taylor asks, coming up to hug her.

"I saw John B and Sarah," I say. "They're both alive and not in custody." I can see JJ's shoulders relax slightly before he gets to work on getting the boat ready. "So, what's the plan exactly?"

The Cool Kids - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now