Two // Gabe

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Gabe (School player)

I never knew banging chicks could have so many fucking repercussions. Just because I didn't want a relationship from any of them meant that they'd turn into total bitches. I didn't care, but I also couldn't be fucked dealing with it.

It was only Tuesday, three days after I'd bagged Nicole, and I was already getting sick of her shit. It made it worse that Theo wasn't on the bus and I was stuck with the two dweebs. Jacob and Eli were on, but they lived close to school so they got off after ten minutes. I still had fifty to go with the losers and Nicole until I was home, and considering Nicole would either give me the cold shoulder or give me hell, I had nothing to do. I was bored out of my fucking mind.

So much so that when what's-his-face that Theo was friends with started up a conversation, I didn't punch him right in the face. Maybe that would have been more interesting. I'd have enjoyed the way his face curled around my fist on impact, but I'd probably get suspended again. I didn't want that.

His mouth was moving but I was too busy visualizing his broken nose to hear it. I didn't know why, but I hated that kid.

"What?" I asked.

"What's the deal with Harlow?" He was looking at me as he spoke, taking glances at the girl in the seat in front of me who was wearing headphones and staring at a book. What a loser.

"What do you mean? I wouldn't be surprised if she were mute. She's a total nerd. I don't reckon I've seen her without a book on the bus."

His hands were tapping on his seat the same way Theo's always did. Probably had something to do with that they were both drummers. Or did this guy play guitar?

"I've seen her talk at school," he told me, frowning as if it mattered. "Why doesn't she talk on the bus?"

"Probably had something to do with Theo. They used to be close for some reason. Then he got fun and they stopped being friends. That, or she's got some serious issues." I shrugged. I'd never thought about it, nor was it something I wanted to think about. I didn't give a fuck if this chick didn't talk. I knew I wasn't getting anywhere near her pants so that fact instantly wiped her off my radar.

"Huh," the guy said. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my phone, scrolling through my hundreds of text messages. I was trying to suss out what party to go to this weekend, what girl to hook up with, etcetera etcetera. That's all that mattered to me and I wasn't scared to admit it.

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