Fourteen // Theodore

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The bonfire was my place of preference at Jacob and Eli's party. Sure, I'd drift between the pool - where there were a shitload of girls in bikinis - and the makeshift dance floor, but the bonfire was just chilled. 

Jake was essentially running the show while Eli stood with me and chatted. He wasn't the most sociable guy so he left that to his brother. I think he did all the organizing. 

"When are Aspen and Jarrah gonna be here?" Eli was asking me, as if I'd know the answer. "They were meant to be here half an hour ago."

I shrugged, sipping on my double black. "How am I supposed to know, man?" 

He shot me a dubious look. "They're your best friends, dumbass."

"Oh, yeah. Right." 

I was guessing Jarrah was holding them up, begging for a way out of it. Knowing Aspen, he wasn't getting out of it. 

"Speak of the devil," Eli muttered, turning his whole body to face the long driveway. It was dark so I couldn't see for shit, but there were definitely two figures coming towards us. I guess Eli knew it was them because he had decent night vision. 

"Hey guys," Aspen greeted us, already holding a cup of something. Jarrah just nodded, looking around with his hands shoved in his pockets. 

"Hey," I grinned, turning to Jarrah. "He got you out of the house, hey?"

"Yeah. I wish he hadn't." Then he said to Eli; "Sorry man. I'm sure it's a great party but I don't do parties, in general."

Eli laughed, clapping him on the back. "It's all good, mate. I know you don't. I'm just going to head off to get something to drink."

"I'll join you," Aspen said, downing the contents of his bottle and chucking it in the bonfire. It popped. 

They headed off, leaving Jarrah and I by the heat. It was burning into my back and I'm pretty sure I smelled of smoke, but the only girl I'd want to have care about the smokey smell wouldn't come close enough to notice. 

"What's up?" Jarrah asked, holding his hands out to the flames. 

I grinned. "Trying to get smashed."

That earned me an eye roll. I couldn't give two shits. He didn't approve of my drinking any more than I approved of his abstinence. 

"Do you mind if ask you something?" He asked, raking a hand through his hair which looked black in this lack of light. 

I frowned. Why didn't he just ask? "Yeah, sure."

"What's your deal with Harlow?"

Fuck. This wasn't a good sign. Shit. I didn't know what to say. Or to think. Fuck. 

"Um. Nothing, really?" I phrased it as a question, my eyebrows raised. I suddenly wanted more to drink. I skulled the rest of my current one. 

"Are you sure?" He didn't sound convinced. 

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just 'cause."

"There's a reason."

"There is," he admitted. 

"You're not going to tell me?"

"No. Do you still like her?"

How was I supposed to answer that? Oh wait, I couldn't because I didn't fucking know. I was caught in this weird as fuck stage where I'd rather hook up with someone than have a relationship, but I didn't want to hook up with Harlow. I thought I felt protective of her. Maybe that was it. After all, she had a shithouse upbringing that no one deserved to go through, and with the way I treated her a few years back I felt guilty as all hell. 

But did I like her?

"I don't think so, no."

"You don't think so?" 

What was this? The Spanish Inquisition? "No. I don't like her. Why? Do you?"

"I have been thinking of asking her on a date, but I don't want to if you're not okay with it. Y'know?"

At this I had to laugh. He was such a nice guy when he really didn't need to be. No one was nice anymore. 

"I'm fine with it, mate. If you want to date her, go ahead."

His eyebrows knitted together. "Only if she says yes."

Aspen was coming back up the driveway with none other than Harlow and Sophia. I swear loverboy nearly fell on his ass when he saw Harlow. Got to admit, she looked fucking amazing. Short dress, long wavy hair and makeup. It didn't really go well with her black high top Converse but she still looked awesome. 

"Good evening ladies," I greeted them, nodding my head. Us guys did a lot of that. I didn't know why. 

"Hey Theo," Sophia greeted me, her hand in Aspen's. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just smirked. That bastard. Told me shit all, he did. 

Harlow just smiled at me, but too soon her eyes moved to my friend's. He looked her up and down in the non-creepy way that Gabe never managed and grinned. 


A nice pink colour rose on her cheeks as she looked down to her shoes, almost as if she was checking that they were still there. She nodded. 

"Perfect," Jarrah laughed and he didn't seem to be lying either. I guess they would have been good together. 

"The shoes?" She asked, her gorgeous voice floating through the cool air. 

"Yes. And you."

He was so getting shit about that from me and Aspen tonight. What a loser. 

"I want to dance," Sophia announced in her loud non-obnoxious way. 

"Shall we?" Aspen asked, starting to pull her towards the dance floor. 

"Harlow?" Her best friend asked. She pouted but Jarrah took her hand and began following the other two. 

"I thought you weren't into parties!" I called out behind them, staying by the warmth. 

"I'm into almost anything if it's with her!" 


A/N: Turns out Thailand has good internet connection, inspiration and time. Yay! I know this chapter isn't the best but I'll fix it up when I get home. I just kinda wanted to get some stuff on a page after a very hot walk to the market so I hope you enjoyed it. Happy reading!

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