Six // Sophia

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Sophia (Harlow's best friend)

"I have an idea!" I beamed as I followed my best friend onto her bus. Angel was climbing on behind us and we had just gotten her to be quiet. I loved that girl but she was too damned talkative sometimes. It tired me out.

Harlow's brow lifted at this, a knowing expression already on her face. She shook her head and waited for me to slide into the seat before her.

"It won't kill you." I hushed my voice for the sake of Harlow. She shot me a dubious look and I frowned.

I knew why she didn't talk on the bus. There was a whole concoction of reasons that made her believe it was unnecessary. It started with her and Theo's break up in year seven. Not that they were dating, but they were best friends. He broke up with her as a friend when he got arrogant. He wasn't as bad as Harlow thought, but she hadn't said a word to him since.

Then there was Gabriel Louis, the school player. Harlow referred to him as the school jerk, which was perfectly accurate as well. He was always making sexual remarks and it made her uncomfortable.

But the main reason she didn't talk was-

"Hey Harlow."

My eyes flicked up to see Jarrah Hale sitting in the seat across the aisle. He was smiling at her as he took of his blazer, rolling up the sleeves to his shirt.

She gave him a tight-lipped smile and then turned away, back to me.

"When were you going to tell me that Jarrah Hale is talking to you?" I whispered, so quietly that Gabe wouldn't be able to hear me. She just shrugged but her cheeks were flushing red.

This must have been going on for a while. I didn't know he was on her bus though.

"Sorry. I don't believe I know your name." Jarrah was talking to me, a resting smile on his lips. That kid was gorgeous, but I knew not to bother.

"I'm Sophia," I beamed. "And you're Jarrah, right?"

He nodded. "Right. Nice to meet you, Sophia." And then; "You're Harlow's friend?"

"Her very best."

He started talking to the guys then, but mostly Theo. Jarrah was the type of person who didn't hate anyone, but I had a small feeling that he and Gabe did not mix. Jarrah was too nice to admit it, though.

The bus jolted to a stop and nearly everyone flew into the seats in front of them. Trevor was a shocking bus driver in the literal form of the occupation. He sucked at driving busses. In particular, he didn't know how to brake properly. It was always a massive shock when I caught this bus, no matter how much I did it.

Platinum Barbie was next on and she looked at me with disgust. Or maybe that was just her face. Her eyes were completely lined with mascara and they looked longingly at Gabe. Wow. Since when did Barbie find her Ken?

I would have asked but I didn't want to. Instead, Harlow and I shared a look and then we rode the rest of the bus in silence. As always.

I wished she would just talk. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but she didn't know that.

When the bus pulled into our school and stopped with a jerk of Trevor's foot, the door opened and we filed out. Jarrah motioned for Harlow and I to move into the aisle first. She smiled but didn't even say thank you, so I did it for her.

As soon as we stepped of the bus she gave me a questioning look.

"What's that for?" I raised my hands as if she were pointing a gun.

She let out a breath, shaking her head. "Nothing," she mumbled, hands wrapping around her backpack straps. "Let's just get out of here."

Before we even took two steps she was looking over her shoulder at Jarrah which made me smile.

"Since when is Jarrah on your bus?" I asked, heading through the double doors and into the school halls. Our school is a dump, but at least it's got air conditioning.

Harlow worked on tying her hair up like she had every morning for as long as I can remember. She didn't like wearing her hair up and she always managed to do so just in time for a teacher to walk past. I swear, she had a sixth sense for not getting in trouble.

"Last Monday," she shrugged, her voice barely audible through the conversations of other students.

"Wow. Lucky you," I winked, teasing her. Just like she had another sense for avoiding getting told off, I had one for knowing when she liked someone. Not that she did. Not yet anyway.

"What does that mean?" She paused, her green eyes wide.

I rolled mine and dragged her along the corridor to our lockers. "He is probably the nicest guy in our year level. Plus, he's super good looking. Why? Did you think I meant something else?"

She immediately shook her head, turning to her locker. "No. You're right, I guess. He is really nice."

"And really attractive," I pestered, opening my locker.

She didn't answer.

That was a yes in my books.

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