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"Red paint..?"

By the time she woke up it was dark.

Perfect time for hunting. She walked out of the front door quickly not forgetting to snatch her dark hooded cloak off the rack before speeding off to the city.

+ - + - + - +

I smelt the sweet aroma of blood before I saw it. It smelt like gasoline, but thicker and sweeter.

I followed the unfortunate human until they saw me and started sprinting.
How did they see me..? I shook my head and used my speed to chase after the human, who I soon came to realise was a Boy. He was around 20 and he was scared out of his witts.

I smirked.

I lunged on him. Biting his hand and having a quick taste of the sweetly-sick blood. Only a drop. I needed more. I felt the need for the blood. All I could think about was the blood.



I kept wrestling with him until I got impatient. I swept his legs from underneath him and shot down to him on the ground holding his neck, choking him.
I didnt realize i was straddling his hips until he grabs my waist and tried to push me off him.



There was a loud bang of a gun. Everything was silent and I wondered who got shot, who aimed it, why did i feel dizzy, the smell of blood, the rough ground underneath me as I fell.. I fell.

I fell.

There was a sharp pain in my lower chest, right under my rib cage.

That fucker shot me.


That night Infiniti Fallun killed a human. She had ribbed out his heart with her bare hands and left the body there. At the moment she was walking into a human shop.

It was very small. She scoped the building as soon as she had stepped foot inside the place. Holding her side she awkwardly limped through the shop into the first aid section earning weird and worried looks. Infiniti ignored them. She was looking at bandages and anticeptics to clean the gun wound.

" Your gonna need more than a bandage for that." The soft femminine voice startled her out of her thoughts and she turned to see where it came from. A woman no older than 25 stood with two bigger more muscular men standing close behind her having a small argument about who knows what.

She stared at the girl, taking in her complection. She was quite pretty with redish-brown hair that went just past her shoulders, deep brown eyes. She was wearing a oversized sweatshirt with small denim shorts.
She looked nice.

Infiniti felt her face heat up from embarrasement as the girl seemed to do the same and scan her up and down looking at her. Infiniti knew she didnt look great and looked down at her own compection.

She had a black mini dress on that had darker, wetter patches of what happened to be blood scattered on it.Although she had to admit it, she looked hot and alot of her cleavage was on display, showing atleast half of her boob. Her knee height black heeled-boots had tracked a slight foot print of red liquid through the store that led back to her own feet. Her thigh had a tattoo of a japanese dragon. and on her lower back ( where she was unfortunatley shot ) was a small medusa tattoo. Infiniti's fingers where covered in small tattoos and on each finger of her left hand she had a skeleton tattoo of the top of her hand running down to her neatly done acrylic nails. Her own hair was dark brown. Nearly black. it clung to her face.

𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕐𝕠𝕦  [avengers soulmate]Where stories live. Discover now