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What type of fun..?

+ - + - + - +

She quickly sped home. As fast as she could, and didnt stop until she made it into the safe haven of her small cabin in the middle of the woods that She called home.

- + - + - + -

That was too close, Way too close.

She knew she had just blown her cover and there was no way that she was going to get it back without having to fight for it. Infiniti was currently laying on her back in her single mattress on the ground, frantically running her fingers through her knotted hair.

The three avengers that she had encountered would definiteley tell the rest of the heroes. They would probally try and find her, going to every length they have to go, to determine whether or not she was a threat.

She wasn't sure if she was a threat, but she knew if the Avengers started something Infiniti would definitely finish it.

- + - + - + - + -

Avengers Pov:

That night when Wanda, Bucky and Steve had gotten home, they spilled the whole story to their fellow teammates. They told them about the girl and her name, height and appearance, About her voice and how she was covered in blood. The team took this in replaying every word inside their own heads until the Avengers had memorised the girls details.

They were even listening when Steve said.

" You Know she ran in heals right? " He sounded absoloutely astounded with the fact that such a young, frail woman could run at fast speeds in stilleto heals. " She did it silently aswell! None of the taps that you would normally hear when someone wears heals.." He lightly stomped his feet as an example.

Natasha rolled her eyes, Seeing steve be so astonished by a girl wearing heals was quite funny to her but she had to stop herself from laughing because she knew it would make Steve upset or even hurt the tall man's feelings.

Silence soon filled the room and the tension was thick.

"... She said something to me in russian.."Bucky voiced for the first time they had gotten back from the shop. "I think I know her..- or used to know her from hydra." He mumbled the last word quietly whilst hanging his head slightly.

The avengers team gave him looks of pity and worry.

" What did she say?" Bruce asked softly so he didnt anger the former soldier.

"She said that she uh.. She knows my trigger words.." The Soldier said stumbling over his words. " She said she remembers me and the fun we used to have going on hyrda missions."

The team was worried about him and was considering going into lockdown incase this mysterious girl worked for hyrda and was sent to come and collect Bucky.

Tony Smirked.

" What type of fun was she implying to? " As soon as the words left his lips he got an elbow to the ribs, voicing a small 'ow'.

" Nothing like that. " Wanda rolled her eyes and patted Bucky's back as she walked past him walking towards the door. " I've had a long day, I'm going to go to bed, Goodnight. "

There were mumbled replies of 'goodnight' and 'see you' before she left through the doors. Bucky soon following after.

- + - + - + -

Wandas Pov:

While I walked to my room I let the grip of my magic go. The rest of the team didnt like it when I looked inside their heads and read their thoughts. So when I was with them I held a tight grip onto my magic and didnt let go until I was out of the room.

I nearly choked on air when I noticed a person's mind coming from inside my room.

There head was dark and it was difficult to read, like there was a thick fog covering their thoughts and memories. There was something else though. The person was intriuging, urging me to keep walking into my room instead of warn the others.

They person was urging me to keep walking and to be calm, and suprisingly I was. but my thoughts weren't, They were a jumbled mess of why I was so calm even though I should be terrified and Why I was still walking when I should be going into the opposite direction.

I opened the door to my room and saw a figure in the corner.

" Who are yo-" I was cut off by them speeding over to me in a blink of the eye and knocking me out. Leaving me to fall to the ground unconsious.

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Word count: 850

A/N -

Hey guys, hope you like this chapter its sorta boring because it is a filler chapter but hopefully you will like the next one better. Dont forget to vote and comment. The next chapter might contain some triggering content, I will put a warning at the start of the next chapter. If you have problems with this please dont read that chapter and possible find another book to read because this book will have more triggering content as the chapters go on.

If you need someone to talk to you can always messege me about anything!


𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕐𝕠𝕦  [avengers soulmate]Where stories live. Discover now