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Possible TW:

Mentions of sexual abuse, ( i will put  ^^^^^  before this part )

. As well as some blood or gore.
Read at your own risk!

Prisoner 101

+ - + - + - +

They had knocked her out. Completely.
Tranquiliser dart still in her arm as
She got off the ground
fighting the remaining soldiers.
She still had a gun wound to worry about, So
She went to the only person she could think of in that exact moment.

+ - + - + - +

Wandas POV:

My head hurt.

It hurt alot more than it should have. Maybe even too much for me to stand without medication.

I didnt know where I was. But there was someone in the room with me and as I searched further with my magic I came across more minds. More familiar minds.

There was movement in the room as the other person quietly walked up to me and roughly took the blindfold off my eyes. I blinked a couple of times adjusting to the dark room and focusing my eyes onto the figure infront of me.

It seemed to be a female. Maybe even a young girl.

Surely not.

As my eyes adjusted to the light or the lack of light the girl started to seem familiar.

We were still in my room in the avengers tower and I could sense Bucky's sleeping precense in the next room.

I studied her face for a bit longer before she bent down and started to untie my arms and legs that were securely bound to the chair I was in.

She stayed silent.

I wondered if I could send a messege to the other avengers or even Bucky and tell them that I was in a hostage situation. And I was about to do so when the girl below me suddenly stood up and stared at me straight in the eyes.


I was about to send a mind message to Bucky when I got interupted again.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, Wanda." A croaky feminine voice said slowly. They had a strong russian accent

How did she know? I wondered

"I can hear your thoughts.... They're so loud.." The accented voice said again. They said it like they were in pain.

"..W-what do you want from me..?" I asked concerned. "Are you going to take me back to h-hydra..?"
I cleared my throat.

The girl ever so slightly shook her head. Her big doe eyes looking up at me from her crouched position.

She stood up. Trying to hide the wince of pain she made and how unsteady she was on her feet.

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