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30, May, 2018

0930 Hours 

CASDF 135th Tactical Fighter Squadron,  White Ridge

Location: White Ridge, Candoria

Light Overcast.


It's been about a week since I ended up here in Candoria, I learned that the year in this world is 2018. Things have been pretty good. The Anthros here grew to like me more and more by the day. I have been trained more on the CF-022s including the CF-022S Strike variant, an equivalent to the F-15E. I also had met Maxlyn's other friends Ruby and Alex. As time went on I started to feel that I could get used to this lifestyle. sitting at the desk in my room on one of the laptops that I was given as a welcome gift by Ruby. researching things about this world. I figured out that this world is surprisingly similar to my world, besides the anthros and different geological mapping of where the countries are, and how they're shaped. As I scroll through, an article catches my attention. I move the cursor to it and push down on the touchpad. it takes a second to load before the image of an Ingradian ADF-01 Morgan appears on the screen. "The great reset, huh?" I say under my breath as I scroll down, reading the article.

As I read a paragraph catches my attention "What the?" I look closely at the paragraph as I read

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As I read a paragraph catches my attention "What the?" I look closely at the paragraph as I read. "Ingradian ground forces, capture the island of Nebula Atoll, capturing the Nebula Space ramp."

"I remember that."

I hear a voice say behind me, I spin around and see Emilia leaning against the door frame looking at the screen of the laptop before averting her eyes toward me."What happened?" I ask. "It was a large invasion, the Ingradian's objective was capturing the ramp, though they were successful, we were able to destroy the two shuttles they both captured and launched." she said. "What were they carrying?" I ask as my curiosity heightens. "I don't know, although when we shot them down the explosions were suspiciously bigger than what they should've been. so we suspected they were carrying ammunition for Excalibur II". She said with a shrug. "Excalibur II?"I ask. "Yeah, Excalibur II. It was originally going to be an Asteroid defense system much like the old one to stop fragments from Olympus. Which landed here in Candoria back in two thousand five " Really?". "Yeah, here let me show you!" She says,  she walks over and leans down. She clicks open a new tab and types it in, and not long after it shows a paragraph about the asteroid.  "Olympus 1998XF09". "Huh?" I say leaning back in the office chair. "That's pretty cool, What happened?" I ask. "The first war happened." She says with a monotone voice.  "The Ingradians' modified Excaliber to use it to destroy ICBMs. they later found out they could use it as a death laser against planes." She said with a small frown "Oh, that sounds shitty..." I say looking back at her. "Yeah, it is"  She sat down on the bed and looks down at the floor for a moment as if she's pondering on something. "Is there something wrong?" I ask waiting for a response. "Why do you want to help us?  don't you want to go back to your world?" she asks. I'm shocked by her question but yet she has a point. "I don't know, I just figure that there is no way of me being able to return, so why think about it?" I say facing her.  She looks at me for a moment and appears thinks about it. "Have you thought about everyone you care about back in your world?" She asks. I close the laptop and slide it away from me. "I didn't have anyone back in my world that would worry about me," I say. Emilia looks at me shocked. "That can't be right." She says. "It's true, I was an orphan all until I was fifteen...Then at eighteen...I joined the Air Force and have been in the Air Force ever since." I see her ears drop down as I go on. "So, I don't have anyone who would-" 

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