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A/n: srry im all over the place lol. I wanna make another one piece story too☠️. Anyways here ya go.

*Y/n POV*

Shit. I have to make something up. And fast. They seem like the type to see through a lie. "Its a long story..", i start. I have to think of something. I cant just tell them I'm a magical girl from another universe! "Well we have time.", Zoro said. He's gonna be the hardest to convince!

"Okay then.", i sigh and sit down. I hope they believe this. "I was in a fight with someone. We fought for a while and he overpowered me. Thats why Mera and I look like this.", i point to myself. "Who is 'he'? More importantly where is he?!", Ussop screamed. "Im not sure where he is. But his name is King Gull. And he is very strong.", i say clenching my fists. "Gull? Thats a funny name!", Luffy laughed childishly.

"Luffy are you even listening?!", i ask. But he just ignores me and laughs about the name. "Ignore him. Continue please.", Nami said. "I had to get away from him, so i did something reckless. And then i woke up on that island. And found Luffy.", I say. "What exactly did you do?", Nami asked concerned. "I...i don't remember. My memory is still fuzzy...", I say. "Amnesia? Well your head is injured. Maybe you hit it hard and got amnesia?", Sanji said as he lit a cigarette.

"Im not sure. All I know is that I dont know where i am. And whats going on here.", I say. "Well how about you join us? Maybe we can help you get your memory back.", Luffy said eating some meat. I have no idea where he got it from.

"I dont know...being a pirate isn't really my thing...", I say nervously. Since im literally a magical girl. But they seem like good pirates. In my world the stereotypical pirate was evil. But they dont look evil. Maybe i can join for a little while..? Just to learn more about this world. I doubt there is a way to get back home. Since I erased my entire existence from that world.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! Please join!", Luffy begged. He obviously wasn't going to let this go. He sure is stubborn. "Fine..I guess i can join.", I sigh. "But please promise me that we will find a doctor for Mera.", I say worriedly. "Of course. We will find a doctor.", Nami said reassuringly. Im very thankful for her.

Everyone then ran off to do their own things. But I stayed by Nami. We got to know each other a little better. Since she is the navigator she is keeping watch and sailing the ship. Its quite peaceful here. I never thought i would enjoy being on a ship this much.

I flinched when i hear Nami scream in shock. I looked at her worried. She was reading the newspaper but it seems like something shocked her. Everyone ran over concerned. "Nami what happened?", i asked. "L-luffy..look!", she said holding up a picture of Luffy. What is this? "Luffy you have a bounty! Its 30,000,000!", Nami yelled. "Wow..Awesome! I got a bounty!", Luffy yelled. "No not awesome! This is more stress for the crew! People will be after you now!", she yelled.

"Oh look at that. Im famous too!", Usopp said smugly. He pointed to the corner of Luffy's bounty poster. There is showed the back of his head. "That doesn't count.", Sanji scoffed. "Hey i see an island.", Zoro said. "Its Lougetown. Its the last island in the east blue.", she said. "Lets go! Lets go!", Luffy said excitedly.

Everyone excited the ship to do their own thing. I went to get Mera. I didn't want to leave her alone. Plus there might be a doctor here to help her. Zoro went off to get swords. While Sanji went to shop for food. Usopp got supplies and ammo. Nami dragged me to the shops to get clothes. And Luffy ran off to God knows where. He said something about Gold Roger's execution location. Whatever that means. "Uh Nami dont you think this is enough?", I asked nervously. She pilled up loads of clothes. "You can never have enough clothes.", she smiled. She then hassled the store owner for a cheaper price.

I dont know how we ended up like this. But we are running back to the ship. Nami, Usopp and I were carrying a giant fish. While Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji fought against marines. I dont know how they got into trouble that fast. But i could only assume Luffy did something stupid. "Hey! Who the hell are you?!", Usopp shouted at a weird looking man. And a lion? "My name is Mohji. And this is Richie.", he introduced.

"I dont care about that! Why are you trying to burn down our ship?!", Nami screamed. They didn't give him time to answer before they beat him up. Well at least that is taken care of. We got onto the ship in a hurry waiting for the other three to arrive. "Alright lets get out of here!", Luffy shouted.

The three idiots made it back and we immediately set sail. Thankfully we got away from the marines. But it was storming. Everyone was chatting with each other. Sanji then got an idea and brought everyone down to a barrel. They all put a foot on the barrel. I was confused but followed along.

"Alright. Shall we hold a launching ceremony for setting sail on the great ocean?", Sanji asked.



"Lets do it!"

"In order to find the all blue!"

"In order to be King of the Pirates!"

"In order to become a master swordsman"

"In order to draw a world map!"

"I-in order..to become a brave warrior of the sea!"

It was then my turn...but what did i want..? I thought until it came to me. What I wanted ever since i was a child.

"In order to protect those i care about!"

"We're going..to the grand line!", Luffy said.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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