Family:Terminated: Love at First Explosion

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"Rrgvryneryonguyrtoy ryhgyv7 5 8uhryuv57 8trt7tiytityret39itygbyt5tlvq[wsyq;5bv8y989tyevvt 8t y8re8yev ey pwoetyt75tugytb7v6oeigt7r" Father said. I think he was malfunctioning. He walked over to mom and SLAPPED her. I stood aghast with my mouth agape. My father walked away from my mother, who also stood in shock, holding her cheek. He walked into the doorframe when trying to exit the kitchen and exploded. There was a blinding light and immense pain. I felt like I was on fire. All I remember is a soft white light emitting from a dark place, and then nothing.
    Looking back now, it should have been obvious my father was the terminator. We knew he was a robot, but my mom found that attractive, and since I had grown up with him, it was perfectly normal.
My mother, Sarah Connor, had been killed in the blast.. Or so I thought.

    My mother was a renowned scientist that dedicated her life's work to demolishing the terminator program. The government issued it a long, long time ago with the goal to decrease the population. Many countries had agreed to this idea, but many were also against it. My mother had to marry my father in secret, because people were forbidden to have relationships of any kind with the robots. My father had to remove the government device planted into him so that the government wouldn't catch them. Eifvbgstjhbgrjgquoi4atq3ukatrukcyewj. Sorry about that. I'm half robot, so sometimes my brain malfunctions, and my monologue turns into robot code. Nowadays, I hang around in the shadows, hiding from the world because if I was found, I would be terminated. I hadn't seen my mother since the explosion, so me, and everyone else in the world, assumed her to be dead. I was wanted in several countries, all from the same thing. My father homeschooled me until he died, which worked out pretty well since he has access to the whole internet. The sky is round, the Earth is flat. Pigs can fly, and cows can jump over the moon.
Sorry, I started rambling. My name is Caleb Alicorn Musk-Connor-balljuice, but everyone just calls me Cam. (Elon was my mom's side thing for a bit, but that's not important). Anyways, I have a crush. I know that isn't the best option when I need to be undercover, but this man is fiiiiiiiiine. He's got auburn hair with beautiful blue orbs that would perfectly compliment my own icy blue orbs. Just thinking about Jake (lmao) makes me swoon. But the thing is, he doesn't know I'm
a robot. I'm scared to tell him. What will he think of me? I don't want him to think I'm some robot freak and call me a rusty metalback (that's the slur for robots. Don't say it unless you're also a robot. And if you have the capacity to read, you probably aren't a robot. Robots can't read, because I can't read and neither can my dad.) That's why it took him multiple women to find my mom.) Anyways, back to the topic of Jake. he's walking up to me right now.
His orbs pierce through me, and bite my lip, trying not to blush.
"Hey." he growls, his deep voice pierces my soul, sending shivers down my spine.
"H-Hi." I nervously stutter, hoping he can't see my robotic blush. "Wh-what is it?"
"I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over today, since we're study partners and all.." He fidgets with his hoodie strings and looks at the ground.
"S-s-sure." I muttered, metallic blush creeping up my cheeks.
"What's that? I didn't hear you." he asks, running a hand through his curly red hair.
"DSFUibgry eufgysvuk!"
"Erm....." (those stupid robot code dialogues! They're so embarrassing...) I blush, internally screaming at myself. I suddenly realize that if I go to his house, I endanger not only myself, but him as well. Who cares, it's Jake! "Sure!"
"Oh, okay great!" Jake smiled brightly and leaned down close to me, "See you tonight.." He whispered to me in a deep seductive tone.
After he left, I groaned, blushing and put my head on my desk.

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