Family:Terminated: Hot Love

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"See you tonight.." He whispered to me in a deep seductive tone.
After he left, I groaned, blushing and put my head on my desk.
"Tired?" Alejandro asks teasingly.
"I can't help it... he's so... so hot..."
"Well, duh," he says. "He's the hottest alpha in our school."
I blushed even more and looked out the window next to my desk. "Does he even want me...?" I say sadly.
"Of course he does! You're the hottest omega in the school! You guys deserve each other!" Alejandro said excitedly.
"You really think so?" Alejandro nodded enthusiastically, "Thanks, Alejandro. I needed that. Anygays, Jake invited me to his house tonight!!" I squealed, jumping up and down with excitement.
"That's amazing!!" Alejandro exclaimed, jumping up and down with me.
The final bell rang and I practically sprinted out of the school, heading straight for Jake's house. He had sent me the address earlier during the last period, so I already had the directions. It was about a 15 minute walk and when I knocked on his door he opened it; probably getting there sooner than me.
"Hey Caleb! You ready for our study sesh?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yup! I'm stoked!" I reply, smiling brightly.
He gestured for me to come inside, waving his hand and opening the door wider. I step inside and quickly take off my shoes, he closes the door behind me and soon starts heading upstairs. He stopped in front of a door than I assumed to be his room,
"Don't judge me, okay?"
I was confused as to what he meant, and was now incredibly curious. He opened his bedroom door to reveal walls covered in heavy metal band posters. Floor to ceiling concealment of heavy metal. I gasped and quickly analyzed each one. After some awkward silence, I speak up.
"So... you're a metal fan, I presume?" I say awkwardly. He's just like my favorite character, EDDIE MUNSON!!!!!!!!!!!! (i cried writing that)
"Now how did you come to that conclusion? I mean, I definitely don't have metal posters covering all my walls. No siree, absolutely not." He chuckled lightly and plopped down on the bean bag in the corner. My heart was racing, I was in Jake's house, and not only his house, but his room. I felt as thought the robot in me was going to explode any second.
"GfhggAhdhjzjh)tt6y777" I quickly slapped my hands over my mouth, eyes wide in shock and embarrassment.
"Uh... what?" Jake asked, confused.
"N-nothing, j-j-just nervous..." I mumble, a nervous wreck from my sudden outburst of code and abnormally fast beating heart.
"So, wanna get going?"

After a while of studying, we both heard a knock on the door.
"It's probably my mom," Jake said to me, "Come in!"
A tall woman with beautiful ginger locks walked in.
"Hello-" She stopped in her tracks, staring at me. "W-who is this?" She seemed like she was fighting something.
"This is my study partner, Caleb!" Jake replied cheerily.
"Uh huh..." She looked at me with a metallic glare.
A soft beeping filled the room, and gradually got faster. "What's that noise?" Jake asked,
"I'm so sorry, Jake. I can't help it..." The realization hit me.
"Jake! Your mom's a terminato-'' BOOM! An incredibly bright light filled my vision, then everything went dark.

I woke up to a ringing in my ears. The silence was deafening. There was destruction everywhere. The ceiling partially caved in and caught fire. The fire. There was fire on everything, it consumed everything in its path.  The smoke was everywhere, and I could hardly breathe. I felt a thick warm liquid ooze down from my temple, I looked around and saw it. My heart practically stopped beating, next to me, Jake was there. He lay there, eyes glassy and staring at everything and yet at nothing at all. Blood dribbled out of his mouth, as well as his temple. I couldn't believe my eyes, there was blood everywhere. He was missing his right arm and leg, which were closest to the blast. His blood coated the floorboards and made pools around his body. His clothes were bathed in a deep, scarlet red.
"J-Jake-?!" I crawl over to him and lightly shake him, hoping that this was all just a really bad prank.
"Jake please! Please wake up!" I shook him harder this time, tears started falling down. He couldn't die, he was the thing I needed most. He was what made me feel whole, not just two halves.
"C...Caleb?" Jake said weakly. I nearly burst out of my skin, I was so happy he spoke.
"Jake! Jake you're gonna be okay, I promise!" I say hurriedly, trying to find something to help him.
"No.. no I don't think..." He trailed off, his head rolling to the side.
I was completely still. "Jake...?" The light in his eyes was barely there, as though he was clinging onto life. "Jake no... please.." More tears fall. I start to shake uncontrollably, crying harder than ever before. All the emotions I had felt from years before and now, pouring their way through my eyes.
Then I cried so much that my circuits got wet and I exploded. But hold up there, let me tell you how I got in this wacky situation. The year was 64BC and I was just sent to kill Julias Caesar.

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