Chapter 23

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The last few weeks of school flew by. Lauren was excited to move, but would miss her friends next year. She was glad that she had the whole summer to spend with Nicole, Amy and Jill. The memory of the dead stranger was fading with every sports day, field trip and ball tournament. The anticipation of the upcoming year end trip to the waterslides would probably permanently erase the memory from her mind. "You wanna hang out this weekend?" Nicole slid into her seat beside her friend. "Sure," she didn't want a miss a single opportunity to hang with her friends.

That night at supper Brian pulled in as usual just as she was setting the table for her mom. Mike cracked the fridge and pulled out two beers to take out to the grill for the both of them. The sound of their low voices and laughter outside the kitchen window was comforting to both Lauren and Sharon. A third voice joined them and Mike came back in the house to grab a third beer.

Dave had wandered over and the three men stood in the sun grilling their meat. "You gonna be able to run this place by yourself old man," Brian pointed the neck of his beer bottle at Dave teasingly. "Ah I'm sure you'll still be hanging around to get fed," he shot back at Brian. Mike laughed and flipped the steaks. "Don't forget I'm a big oil man now," Brian made money signs with his hands. "Did they ever figure out where that guy went," Mike asked. "Nah, they just come and go these guys. Transient," the three men nodded in agreement.

"Hey more oil news. Did you hear? They are going to be leasing Len and Norma's homestead to put some trailers on for all these so called transients coming in to work." "Oh really?" Dave wondered why they never seemed to have luck like that. He pictured the little abandoned farmyard in his mind. It's a good little spot he thought. Nice mature trees, the creek runs by there and it's only about a quarter mile from the well site. "Well as long as they don't cause any trouble. You know how these oil guys can be. They can't be trusted around our women" Mike made poking motion at Brian before he loaded up his plate and turned off the BBQ.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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