Chapter 2: Mystery and Conquest

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The next day, Alfonse, Sharena, AuraMage, Margie and Kiran were having a strategy meeting discussing the World of Mystery and the Emblian Empire when Anna stormed in, sweat beading in her face.

"I got a report!" The red haired Commander shouted. "The Emblian Empire invaded the World Mystery and recruited Heroes to invade our kingdom! Among them is one of the most important Heroes of that world, Marth!!"

"The Hero King himself?!" Alfonse shook his head. "With a legendary hero like him by their side, an attack on Askr would be devastating!"

"But we have another legend on our side!" Sharena stated. "It's Kiran! With them, we can do anything!"

"Come on, let's go stop the Emblian Empire in the World of Mystey!" Margie commanded.

"We can help too." Miku said as she, Luka and Piko approached them.

"Miku, I appreciate the concern, really." AuraMage smiled. "But don't be reckless."

"We'll promise not to get hurt." Luka smiles. "And I'll make sure Miku and Piko stay safe."

"Can you fight, Piko?" Kiran asked the white haired boy.

"I'm... not good in combat..." Piko shook his head. "And I... don't do well in snow. But I still want to help."

"Then I want you to have this." Margie gives him a staff that is decorated with a blue and green gem.

"Margie, are you sure?" Alfonse turned to his cousin. "That staff belongs to your father... my uncle."

"No need to worry." Margie smiled at her cousin. "I'm sure he would be happy to see it used by someone rather than collect dust."

"You're too generous, Margie." The Askran Prince sighed.

"Come on, we have to go!" AuraMage warned.

As they arrived in the world of Mystery, they were face to face with a young man with blue hair and blue eyes who was holding a sword that was sharp towards dragons. Standing alongside him was a blue haired girl riding a pegasus and an old man who doesn't look frail at all when riding a horse.

"I am Marth, Prince of Altea." The young man bowed. "You all must be the Order of Heroes. I have been hearing from Princess Veronica and her messenger. I assume you know how the Contract of Heroes? If you wish to break the contract, you will have to show us how strong you are. Be prepared."

"Wait..." Kiran thought to themself. "Did he say messenger? Who could it be?"

"Caeda. Jagen. Are you with me?" Mart turned to the pegasus rider and the old cavalier.

"I will always fight alongside you, Marth." The pegasus rider, Caeda, ready her Armorslayer.

"I am a knight of Altea." The old Cavalier, Jagen, raised his lance. "I will serve you until the end, Prince Marth."

"Everyone! With me!" Alfonse shouted as he charged into battle, with Sharena, Anna and Miku following them.

"Stay behind me, Piko." Luka said. "We don't want you getting hurt."

The white and teal haired boy nodded.

Kiran decided to do multiple summoning sections with three different colored stones, one green, one red and one blue, and fired them with Breidablik.

Out of the green stone came Citrinne, out of the red stone came Male Corrin and out of the blue stone came Quan. Kiran didn't need to request help from them since Quan figured out the situation and he, Male Corrin and Citrinne knew that they would always be by Kiran's side.

Marth, Caeda and Jagen were defeated, forcing them to retreat farther into the world of Mystery.

"Well done, I expected as much from you." Marth smiled. "But the next time you see me, we shall settle this once and for all."

"He's getting away!" Luka said. "What are your commands, Commander Anna?"

"We chase after them!" Anna said. "We won't stop until these Heroes have been freed!"

As they chased after the Heroes of Mystery, Piko had picked up a white gem and a magenta gem. They had also fought Ogma, a mercenary working for Caeda, Merric, a mage who is childhood friends with Marth, Linde, a young mage who knows the Aura Spell from her late father, Cain and Abel, two Altean Knights known as the Bull and the Panther, and Gordin, a young Archer.

During the chase, Alfonse saw that Piko was holding the two gems.

"Piko, are those-?"

"Yeah..." Piko responded with a nod. "I wanted to show these gems to you guys, but you were all so focused in battle, that I didn't want to distract you all..."

"There was no need to worry." Alfonse reassured the white haired boy with a smile. "You did consider our feelings, which is a good thing. Now... who could be slumbering in these gems."

Before Piko could answer, the gems started glowing. The white gem transformed into a girl with white hair and fuschia eyes and the magenta gem transformed into a girl with Magenta hair and Magenta eyes.

"Where did I wake up this time?" The magenta haired girl rubbed her head.

"I don't know, Teto..." The white haired girl looked around.

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