Undeniable Chemistry (Julia and Draco Malfoy)

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I have always loved potions. The way the steam rose, the smell of ingredients, the color of the liquid when you got it right. I got to potions first thing in the morning, before any one else.

"Ah, a new student!" A fat, jolly professor shakes my hand the moment he sets foot in to the classroom. "The only American in Hogwarts, I hear."

I nod, at loss for his name.

"Professor Slughorn, dear. You were schooled at the Salem Institute, I hear?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Well now, well now," he says with a chuckle, rocking back and forth on his feet. "That's a prestigious school. And you're a ravenclaw. It's always nice to have a intelligent student in my class."

You nod, and open your book as the other students begin to trickle in. There were gryffindors, a few slytherins, a pair of ravenclaws, and a hufflepuff. No one sat next to you.

"Hello, class. I'm professor Slughorn. We're going to be doing some basics today. Does everyone ha-?"

"Sorry, I'm late." A snide voice suddenly filled my ears. Draco is standing at the doorway, his hair windswept and his robes askew.

"It's quite alright," chuckles Slughorn. "Why don't you take a seat up here, next to Miss Bergivin."

When Draco sees who the seat is next to, his eyes become suddenly a darker color, the irises become larger. I can see his hand clench the spine of his book, but he takes his seat.

"Well well well..." he mutters as he lowers himself into the seat next to you. "If it isn't the American filth I met yesterday."

"Wow," I reply. "What a good insult. Tell me, are your parents siblings?"

"Sorry Professor, we're late!" Two gryffindors burst in before Draco can reply. He turns away, angrily. After the two Gryffindors retrieve textbooks from the student cupboard, Slughorn asks the class to make the draught of living death.

About 10 minutes later, i can hear Draco panicking next to you. He's acidentally added too many beetle scales, and his potion has turned into a thick mess. Despite his rude comments, I actually felt sort of bad for him.

"Here," I said and adding five drops of sophorus bean juice. The potion turns a deep purple color, and becomes liquid again.

"I don't need your help," Draco hisses.

"Fine,"I replied, rather stung by his weird moodiness. But rather than being angry, I lookd at his profile for a minute. The perfectly shaped nose, the messy blonde hair, even the slight sneer is just so...attractive. I quickly realized just who I was thinking about, and to prevent any cases of kissing the rude potions maker, i swept my arm out to the side, sending Draco's cauldron to the floor, where it smashed to pieces, his potion ruined.

You Bitch" Draco leapt up, his robes beggining to smoke as the potion came in contact with them.

"Mr. Malfoy!" Professor Slughorn approached the bench, grabbed Draco by the ear, and drug him out into the hallway. His class began to titter, a few slytherins looked pissed. One of them cracked his knuckles threateningly. I kept face forward, staring at the board. How could i have done such a thing? Maybe it was better that i did push the cauldron...otherwise there would be worse consequences. When Slughorn brings Draco back into class to apologize to you, I study his features. Although his face sends my heart racing, you force yourself to find his flaws. He has a crooked mouth, and an uneven hairline. His left eye is smaller than the right eye.

But even as i told myself these things, I knew they weren't true. His eyes were fine, they were lovely. His hair was beautiful and glossy and-

"Miss Bergivin?" I glanced up and found Slughorn gazing curiously at me. "Mr. Malfoy here just paid you an apology for his foul language."

Undeniable Chemistry  (Julia and Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now