Help me

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Hello my darlings, it's been i think 2 months since I've done this ao here we go ig

Alright i started school its not as bad i thought it would be of course its still very stressful and im terrified of everyone but that doesn't matter my ex im finally over her witch it great we still talk and stuff but im not all sad and shit when i see her so go me ig but i made a choice and got into a relationship with someone i shouldn't have and now everyday i feel useless but you know if she's happy im happy you know back to school love my classes except my geography class im horrible at it and my teacher hates me but maybe its because i just kinda sit there and stare at the floor and think about how i can make myself a better person. I love my English teacher. She's amazing, probably my favorite teacher right now. My shop class it pretty fun, I ig we kinda just learned about welding and how to put stuff together, but it's still fun. Then we have gym not my favorite but still i like it i dont really do gym veey much because I dont have the motivation too witch makes my friend mad at me and everyday i get "are you actually gonna do gym today?" That kinda makes me feel bad, you know. Anyways, that's all i have to say goodnight<3

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