Zeotha under Attack!

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The Royal guards and Devil's Gate keepers landed in Zeotha but noticed the Shadow larks and heard a gun shot outta nowhere. Icy falls off her horse and was feeling. Jewell jumps off his dragon and kneels by Icy, notices they are bleeding and someone shot them. Violet looks up and grabs her shock gun and pulls the trigger and shocks a lark and seen no one was on it. Jason looks up and glares, "These damn bastards shoot someone and run off. Jewell take her to the Evie and warn Sapphire, Zeotha is under attack!" Jewell carries Icy to Evie and Sapphire. Sapphire looks up and stands up as Evie flies over to them and has Jewell lay them down on the floor of the spa area.
Sapphire looks at Jewell and asks, "How did this happen? What happened?" Jewell gulps, "We think the Shadows guards followed us and someone shot at us and as soon as Violet shock them back, there was no one to be seen. Jason said we might be under attack. They are still out there looking for them." Sapphire nods and says softly, "Stay with Icy, I'm going to help them." Sapphire stands up and walks out of the doorway with her golden sword in her hand. Jewell watch and sighs looking at Evie, "She hasn't fought in years? You think she'll be fine?" Evie looks at him as she was healing Icy and says softly, "She will be fine. She has practiced during sleepless nights. Believe me, she'll be fine." Jewell nods and looks at Icy who's looking like they're going to faint. "Icy stay with me. You'll feel better here soon," Jewell says as he felt a tear fall. He didn't want to lose them now. Not even after what that kiss they had. Icy blinks as they seen blurs then blinks again as they felt pain in their gut, "Ouch ouch." Evie looks at Icy and says softly, "Careful, I'll keep an eye on you. Don't move too much." Icy gulps and winces as they respond with, "am... am I going to be okay?" Evie nods and replies, "Yes my dear. You're lucky your prince charming was here to make sure you were taking care of." Jewell chuckles and looks down as he says, "I'm not a prince. But uhh I had get help." They hear someone breathing heavily and was walking towards them. It was Violet and before they could ask what was wrong she fall over. Jewell stands up and runs over to her and checks for wounds. His eyes widen seeing blood and a few stab wound, "Evie, she's hurt real bad. I have to go help them." Icy sits up and winces as they say, "I won't let you die! You can't leave me." Jewell looks at them and sighs, "You're hurt, Violet got hurt, my sister or our guards could die! We have to do something!" Icy sighs and nods. Evie runs over to Violet, picks her up and carries her inside and lays her on a medical bed. She uses her magic to heal Violet. Violet groans and wakes up a bit saying, "they need help. J..Jewell, I..Icy, we need your help." She passed out from the pain. Icy gulps and tries to get up but falls. Jewell ran back to Icy and catch them. He looks at them, "You need rest my love. I'll go help them. Please stay with Evie. I'll be back before you know it." Icy blushes and nods as they lean on him. Jewell smiles and sits Icy down on a medical bed and walks out of the spa area. He pulls his sword out and runs back over but stops as he notices the shadow guards were leaving. He gulps and runs over to check on everyone and see if they were fine. They were alright, although Jason had scratches, Lily was wounded, Golden had deep cut by his neck, Yoma's wings were cut, Leo had a deep cut on his face, Ethe had a cut by her eyes and Sapphire was breathing as she was watching a lark disappear. Jewell gulps and walks over to them and says softly, "Holy spirit and earth, what happened here? Are you guys alright? I'm so sorry I didn't come quick enough." Sapphire looks at him and shakes her head, "It's fine, we need to get Yoma, Leo, Golden and Lily to the medical spa area." Jewell looks around and sees Clover helping Xus and Ivy up and was checking for wounds. Xus looks up as she seen something through the clouds and says softly, "Hey Clover, what's that? Is that their pet from Kazeldorf?" Clover looks up and her eyes widen as she shouts, "You're kidding me!? What the hell is that?" Sapphire notices what they are seeing and eyes widen, "Oh lord help me." Jason looks up and glares as he seems the beast lands and Azik jumping off it with a fairy on his shoulder. Rave jumps off after him with a chain leash with spikes in her hand. Azik walks pass Ivy, Xus and Clover as Rave follows him. Clover stares as they walk by and growls softly but hear a growl by Delilah. Azik smirks softly as he stops looking at Jason and Sapphire. "Do you have any idea why your guards attack my crew? I wish you knew we there for one thing," Jason asks as he looks at Azik. Azik glares and replies, "No I don't. I wish they didn't say you guys were intruders because Minju here knew you guys were friends." Minju flew off Azik's shoulders and shifts into a human with handsome features and was wearing a suit. He bows and snaps fingers, "Sapphire, my lord it's been awhile. I want to apologize for them attacking you guys." Sapphire nods and says softly, "We like one from them following my guards and shooting my guard and almost killing a devil's keeper. She almost died." Minju was shocked and sighs, "Who was it that almost killed her?" Jason growls as he was very overprotective over her baby sister, "A dumbass vampire! He could of killed my sister!" Minju gulps and sighs softly as he looks at Jason, "That was Ren. I've been training him not to stab them or kill people. I'm so sorry he almost killed your sister. I hope she's okay." Jewell sighs and says, "She's in our medical spa, getting healed up. She's resting with Icy. Someone shot my partner." Minju gulps and looks at Jewell, "Did you say Icy?" Jewell nods and asks, "Why?" Minju gulps and replies, "Icy was an old friend of Rave's and Azik's." Rave looks up and asks excitedly, "Icy is here?! That was them at the palace?! Oh my god, I didn't notice them, since Jason was in a hurry for the crystal ball." Azik blinks, "I thought Icy was a guy. That was them?" Rave laughs and looks at Azik, "Icy is nonbinary." Azik nods, "Heh. I didn't know. Sorry Minju continue." Minju nods and says, "We truly apologize to you all and to fix this mistake, Azik has offered to make peace with Sapphire and Jason. We want you guys to be happy not in danger." Jason nods and says softly, "You better make peace with Iceymoon, he's the one who needs the crystal ball. He hasn't seen his daughter in years. So that's why we came to your kingdom. Next time we come around, I'll let Clover kill your guards." Azik sighs, "That won't be necessary. I'll give them a warning and if they hurt you guys, Delilah can use them as a chew toy. Is that right Delilah?" Delilah turns from a beast to a little child and says in an exciting tone, "Yess! My toys!" Azik chuckles and nods as he looks at Jason, "See she's not going to hurt you guys."

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