A short stack

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"Phone call"
"Sign language"

Shinso's pov:

As i look for somewhere to sit outside i see some blond Pomeranian looking ass bitch harassing some cute broccoli dude.
"Deku? What are you doing here? Decided to try and pass the entrance exam, we all know you cant do it you pathetic loser."

"That's not very hero like." I say, lucky I'm wearing my voice changing mask, so they wont be able to recognise my voice.

"She's not very hero like." This human dog cant even see that the dude on the ground is a male, or at least i think so.

"Nether are you." I look over to where the voice came from, it's dad, also known as Eraser Head or Aizawa. "You, pomeranian looking kid, come with me. I think nezu would like to see you."

As the two leave, I turn back to the kid. He's cute, wait, what am I thinking, I'm straight. I walk over to him and sit down, he's crocheting a hat it seems like. "Hi there." I say, getting his attention. "The name's shinso." The dude only smiles in response, and then i see his pin saying he/they, which i assume are his pronouns. "Do you speak? If not it's fine." I rush to add the last bit, so they know i'm not trying to be rude.

Izuku's pov:

What should i do, i mean he seems nice enough, oh god. I just end up pulling out my notebook i use for ✨communication purposes✨. I do speak, just not all the time due to reasons, but i do sign language to communicate sometimes. My name is Izuku by the way :). He reads the note and smiles, he has dimples, they're not prominent, but they are there.
"I know sign language, i'm not too good at it, but i know the basics." To my surprise, Shimzo, was that his name? Can sign, so I'll actually be able to talk to someone, and actually maybe make a friend.
"Cool, what was your name again?" I don't want to get his, or anyone's name wrong, so I'll just make sure.
"Could I possibly write it down in your notebook, i dont know how to say it in sign language yet." I nod in response, passing the book and pen into his hands. He scribbles it down, on the same page, he even added a smile afterwards.

Shinso's pov:

Why is he so cute, oh god. He smile bright as he starts writing down something else, they're really fast at writing, I wonder what else they are fast at. He finishes writing just as the clock strikes 1:00, meaning we have to go back inside to hear the information about the final test. Izuku's fast to stand up, already has all his things in his bag and offering a hand to help me up, and I gladly accept it. Their hand is so soft, I don't want to let go as we walk back inside, he's also really short. We go into the main assembly hall to find out what we're doing, once everyone's settled in their seats (obviously shinso decided to sit next to Izuku), I see papa walk out on stage, but next to me i feel izuku tense up.

"Hey, you all good?" I whisper to him, looking over i see him start shaking, they put on his headphones, and the shaking subsides a bit.

"Hey, you shouldn't have those on, that's very disrespectful." Some dude behind us who I recognise as ingenium's little brother, says, and for some reason his hand is karate chopping the air.

"Oh fuck off." I say, turning back to face the stage.

Izuku's pov(sorry for all the pov changes in this chapter):

It's him, the loudest hero, my worst nightmare, something loud. I start shaking, but I manage to put my noise cancelling headphones on, just as he starts speaking, then i hear someone behind me comment on how I'm being disrespectful. Am I really being disrespectful? What if mum finds out i was disrespectful towards a hero, i'd be dead for sure. Should i just put up with it? I mean, I shouldn't be disrespectful to anyone, let alone a hero. But he's too loud, i cant stand it. There's no way I'm taking my headphones off, unless i need to. But I'm being really disrespectful with them on. I dont feel the tears as they start slowly falling down my face, or how i start feeling lightheaded either. But if i take them off, I'll start crying, wait am i crying? I pull my hand up to feel for tears, and sure enough, they are there. I can't start crying now, I've managed to get through the whole day without crying yet. I start calming myself down, but still don't notice how lightheaded I am, until it's too late. Why do i feel so, oh shit. Of course I didn't notice until right now.

Mina pov:

I hear a thud four rows in front of me, i look to where i heard it come from, and the seat where the green haired dude was sitting is now empty along with a lot of other people looking at the same spot, i dont think anything of it, until i hear someone yell.

"Someone passed out!" Oh shit.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to write this, i dont really have a good excuse, other then mental health issues as well as school, but i'll try to get another one out as soon as possible. Make sure to have a great day/night/evening/morning, go haave a break to eat or drink something if you haven't done so in the last 3-5 hours, or even if you have, you still can, and keep yourself safe! I will get another chapter later today, or you will get an extra long one next week.


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