➥ 003, ayo fourth wall break🤨?

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BY THE TIME KAKASHI-SENSEI AND I MADE IT BACK TO THE POSTS AFTER THE TIMER RANG, i saw naruto tied to the middle post, susuke pouting cause he failed, and sakura... also sulking.

"DAMN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU GUYS-" i laughed, pointing at them in a mocking-like way. "no offence though."

they all glared at me, pissed. i looked over at kakashi-sensei, who at this point was generally back together after being degraded by his own student like that. not gonna lie, he was still kind of shaky, but he'll live.

"damn teach, didn't have to go that hard on 'em." he didn't reply, looking as nonchalant and uncaring as usual.

sasuke scoffed, glaring up at me from his sitting position on the ground. "why you getting cocky? did you get a bell?" he asked in an almost threatening and sarcastic tone.

i wasn't surprised by his defensive attitude. if there's one thing i learned about susuke, it's that he's an achiever. he doesn't associate himself with those he deems lower then him, and the fact he failed along with the rest of them is making him more bitter then usual.

what a poor sport😕👎

"actually yeah," i snapped back, holding up the bells in their faces. "both, actually. surprised?"

there eyes widened, before susuke scoffed and turned his head away in frustration. sakura looked the most shocked, even a bit envious maybe. meanwhile, naruto smiled, happy for me.
"wow y/n!! you got both the bells!!" he cheered.

nah, cause why is naruto the only real one

"thanks naruto! and don't worry guys, i have a method for us to all pass!" i grinned happily, hands on hips as i suddenly threw the two bells in the air, then swiftly cut them in half with my katana, creating four pieces of the now broken bells.

they stared in confusion, and a bit surprise at the fact i managed to cut the bells so cleanly, as after all, they were metal.

i picked up the remains of the now metal chunks, smiling happily. "there! now we can all pass!"

they all stared. just stared.

"wow," sakura mumbled, trailing off. "you really are a complete moron."


kakashi-sensei sighed, "as heroic as it made you look, y/n, thats not gonna work."

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