Where are you going?

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Context: Tav is on nightwatch for the night. They notice Astarion sneak off into the woods.

My leg swings lightly from the branch I'm sitting on. I slightly shiver from the cold air, it being a lot colder than I thought it would be. I overlook my sleeping companions, some in deep sleep, others tossing and turning. I look over the surroundings, not much to take note of. From my viewpoint, I can see all of camp and into the forest some bit. I lay my back on the tree, looking up. The moon is high and bright, the stars aligning the sky. The soft sounds of the night filling my ears, owls whooing, crickets chirping, a couple of other animal sounds I can't quite make out. There is a lot more animals out tonight.

I look over back to camp, noticing Astarion sturing in his sleep. Hu, he normally doesn't stur this much in his sleep. I stop swinging my leg and continue looking to see if he will wake up. A couple of minutes pass by before he wakes up. He looks around, I don't think noticing me in the tree. He quietly but quietly gets up and skulks into the forest. Just what is he doing? Is he ok? I climb down from the tree, following Astarion at a distance he wouldn't notice me at.

I start to hear a boar growl before it starts squealing as if it's going to attack. I grab my dagger from my scabbard. I pike up my pace to catch up to Astarion, ready to attack the boar. I stumble upon Astarion kneeled down on top of the boar. He quickly gets up and faces me, blood dripping from his mouth. Once he notices it's me his stance turns from ready to attack to a more relaxed stance. He wipes the blood from his mouth before saying "oh, it's you. Why are you here and not looking after camp?" He puts his finger under his chin lifting his head some looking down at me, glaring at my dagger.

I eye him up and down. Putting my dagger to my side, still ready to attack if need be. "Says the one who left camp looking up to no good." He crosses he arms, slightly rolling his eyes. "What did you do to that boar?"

"I killed it, darling." He smirks gesturing to the lifeless boar. "It just attacked me out of no where." He said sounding offended that it would do such a thing. I don't respond, I give him a disapproving look knowing that he is lying. He holds his hands up in the air "Fine you caught me. I'm a vampire. Can you put the bloody knife down now, gods."

I put my dagger back into its holder. "Where you ever going to tell us you are a vampire?"

"Eventually, I just, didn't know when it would be a good time. Most people don't trust my kind." He shoulders drop down slightly. "You wouldn't understand. I haven't fed from anyone but animals and rodents. Who would truly believe that at first look." He eyes start to seem distant before they quickly snap back out of thought. He shoulders straighten back up, and he starts to glare slightly. "Darling, we should be getting back to camp. The others might wake up soon." He starts walking back to camp.

I follow him back to camp. "I trust you." He stops walking and gestures like he is about to say something but keeps walking but at a slower pace.

We walk in silence up until we can see camp. He stops still facing away from me, "Can you not tell the others. I'll tell them in the coming days."

"I won't tell them anything you aren't ready to say." His shoulders and posture slightly relaxe at my words.

"Thank you." He whispers I'm barely able to hear him. "I'll keep watch for the rest of the night."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, darling."

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