56. I'm Sorry And I'd Forever Love Her.

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Eunhi's Pov.

"Cheol" I whisper yelled at him with anger. He gestured with his eyes that he was sorry, but with that..I had more problems to difuse.

"Eunhi?! You're leaving?!" Chan exclaimed, coming to me.

"Uh..I am." I awkwardly gripped on my own arm with anxiety.

"When?!" He was beginning to bombard me with questions.

"Uh..next week." I really didn't want to give off the answer just like that. As we were walking back all together, I could feel everything drown me in silence.

A day before leaving.

Not really much was said but we spent the whole day. But Vernon was missing. And there was an alone time with me and Cheol..And I thought. "Cheol."

"Hm?" He looked at me.

"I think we should stop." I mentioned and as he was leaning on his hand his eyes immediately switched to a different expression. "I've been doing well..so I don't think we need to do this anymore." My heart was burning whilst I spoke and I didn't want to continue anymore. "I'm really thankful for you and Vernon for helping me get through this."

"I understand Eunhi." He just gave a smile but it didn't sit right with me.

"Hey Cheol-" He just stood up and walked off. I knew he was upset entirely bur we never loved eachother..Did we? It made me second question myself and I didn't know what to feel.

Next morning.

I had already packed and they took me to the airport. That was where I met with Sigu unnie. Eunwook said he'd take care of Duri during the time I'd be gone. "I feel like someone is missing from us." Vernon mentioned but then the announcer said when to go.

"Ah..I need to go guys." I furrowed my eyebrows as I gave a hug before getting on. "Take care please. You too Cheol. Look at me please." I took Cheol's hand and he did. He was already crying by himself. I hugged him once more and Jeonghan gave me a gift.

"Just so you won't feel alone. Open it when you're in America. Alright?" It was a small gift box but I did as told. I waved and the atmosphere just darkened for me as I turned around. My heart was breaking..but then it just shattered on the spot.

"Unnie.." I weeped and Sigu took me closer to her.

"It won't be long." She assured me and I nodded. But..what kind of lie was that?.

Skip to america.

Of course, I was perfect in english but nothing felt the same anymore. "Aj! Welcome back to America. It's been a long while I must say." The interviewer said.

"It sure has. Thank you for having me." Only 2 days in, I've been packed with meetings, photoshoots. I was more busy than I could ever be.

"So..We heard that in your time in Korea..You've reunited with SEVENTEEN, The big boy group." Of course they had to start with that.

"Yes. That's true." I smiled, keeping up a poker face.

"Was it hard when you had to leave.?" Of course fans would hate if I side with America too much or if I side with Korea too much..So I didn't give much.

"Of course it was, my homeland..Everyone whom I know, are living there but I miss the vibes of America." I crossed my legs and she nodded.

"Well explained." She pointed. "Well may I ask how long you're staying?"

"I actually have no clue. But I'll enjoy my time here while I can." I explained and she went on to the next question. We finished up the interview and I was able to go home for the rest of the day. I then remembered of the gift Jeonghan gave me.

"I didn't get to open it." I went searching for it and took off the ribbon. A little SEVENTEEN logo charm. I immediately wrapped it on my bracelet that I bought together with the boys' bracelets.

Sigu called me and I picked up. "Eunhi! Tomorrow you're attending an awards show and many paparazzi and photographers."

"Oh..alright." At this rate, I thought I'd never get the time to talk with them.

"I..know you're tired but this will help your reputation and maybe bring back a good word for the guys."

"Mhm." I ended the call, flopping on my bed. "I can't be bothered anymore." I groaned. And then someone rang the doorbell..I peeked through and it was Joohyeon.

I opened the door and he smiled. "Eunhi~!"

Joshua's Pov.

A day ago.

Me and Vernon went to go meet up Dohyun at the spot we talked about last week. After this..If all goes well with Haneul then I'll be able to tell everyone! Even if Eunhi doesn't love me..At least we'll be able to speak to each other.

"Dohyun!" I reached out and Dohyun had already prepared cups of coffee.

"Hey you 2." He smiled. "It's great to finally meet you." He continued on.

"It's great to meet you too. We're here to speak about Haneul. Right?" Vernon got straight to the point..No wandering out for him.

"Mhm. Is she doing well?"

"I'd say so. But mentally not." I took a sip of the coffee and he took interest. "She's done multiple things to us and I figured that only you could stop her. She still loves you entirely..And you too?" I raised a brow and he nodded.

"I promised I'd find her wherever." These 2 really seemed like a good pair too.

"She wanted to stay famous so she could also make it easier to find you." I added.

"Is that so? I'd really love her, whether she'd be famous or not." Dohyun chuckled. "That's so Haneul for you." He'd glance out of the window and then back at us. "I'm sorry that she's caused trouble."

"It's fine of course. But we find that bringing you together is easier for the all of us." Vernon also talked, seeing as he had not touched his coffee throughout the whole time.

"I agree."

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