65. Feeling Homesick?.

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Eunhi's Pov.

"How long are you staying in America?" I drank a little bit of my water and he leaned on his palm.

"I don't know..About another week or so." He shrugged.

"Do you not pay attention?" I tilted my head.

"I do, I just don't like work life." He sighed, sipping from his straw.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I apologized and he shook his head.

"Do you always talk about work?" He questioned, bringing back up life in general.

"Not always. I used to talk a lot about anything." I placed down my cup.

"Am I hard to talk to?" It felt like he was pushing me into a corner. It was pressuring but I kept upfront with it.

"No. I guess not." I replied and he nodded.

"By the way. Do you know when you're going back? Well to Korea?" He questioned once again and I shook my head.

"My boss hasn't given me the full information yet. It's just, for now, I'm going to be staying here." I added, looking at the leftover ice in my drink.

"Alright. Do you have any hobbies?" He continued to question about my life.

"What, is this a blind date?" I laughed and he chuckled.

"What are friends if they don't know these basic things?" He pointed out and I accepted..He made quite a strong point.

"Well then. I did taekwondo..I guess I sing, actually..Now that you say it..I don't have that many hobbies." I placed my finger under my bottom lip, thinking about myself.

"Haha! I doubt it. You're just probably blanking out." He tilted his head with a smile, his phone was ringing but he didn't answer it.

"Shouldn't you answer that?" I didn't want to ruin the moment he wanted but I'm sure it could be a pretty important call.

"Ah..Fine." He stepped out to go receive his call and I continued to watch my phone for notifications. I didn't know why I was though.


We spent more time together and eventually separated because he had to meet up with his group early. I went shopping a bit and took pictures.

I was bored just walking around alone, or just with Joohyeon himself.

Hoshi's Pov.

"It's been hours?! Where have you put it?!" Seungkwan raged out, throwing the pillows.

"Hey! My pillow!" I went to go pick up the pillows Seungkwan threw at the ground.

"There's 13 of us and we haven't found a single thing." Mingyu mumbled, itching his neck.

I scratched my head and Joshua pointed at me, his eyes growing larger. "Hoshi..It's on your wrist." He said as everyone stopped in their movements.

"What are you-?!" I exclaimed as it was on my other wrist instead of the usual. "Oh-" I smiled lightly and stares turned into glares.

"HOSHI!!!" They jumped at me, as we played around with the pillows.

"I'M SORRY!" I cackled, smacking everyone as we smacked each other.


"Huu..That was tiring." Jeonghan sighed as we were all laying on the floor.

"It sure was. I think I lost 80% of my energy." Dino yawned, laying dead on his stomach.

"But it was fun right?" I giggled as it grew into laughter along with the rest of the members.

"How the heck did you not see it?" Seungkwan chuckled, taking a look at the bracelet.

"It's usually on my left but I guess I placed it on my right." I exhaled, just happy enough that it was still with me.

"At least you didn't lose it for real." Myungho mentioned and we agreed.

"Anyways. You guys saw the message right?!" Dk yelled, his eyes expanding.

"Yeah. I thought it wasn't real." S.Coups, crawled up into a ball, his head covered with a beanie.

Eunhi's Pov.

Whilst I took a shower, I thought to myself..I've never tried it. I shook my head, scrubbing my hair with panic. "Why am I thinking such things?!" I slammed the wall out of embarrassment.

Having..sex wasn't a huge thing in my life and I had never thought about it much. Making out, sure..And all those mini things were okay but I never imagined myself having sex.

I was annoyed at myself for that but how could I help it. There's tons of young adults probably doing it at this moment while I'm taking a shower. And I'm pretty young too.

I finished up and dried my hair, switching on the T.V in my hotel room. It was a bunch of cooking shows, and news that went on at this time.

I remember watching with SEVENTEEN all together in my old hotel room. It was fun. We got extremely close at that time in just a few days. I mean we connected with ourselves back in trainee days.

I also thought about my feelings with Joshua. When did I actually start liking him? There was a chance I did back in trainee days but I couldn't remember that largely back.

"And let's give it up for SEVENTEEN!" I focused back into the world and saw all 13 of them beginning to perform..But it was an old video from a while ago. I watched it with SEVENTEEN after they performed it. And as I checked the year, it was only a couple months ago when they did this.

I crawled up into a ball, as my admiration fell in love with their music once more. Their singing and rapping..their skills and talent were amazing indeed. And their expressions were incredible aswell, they don't disappoint do they?

I ate dinner and took my time to do something in my free time. I didn't want to go to sleep just yet so I wanted to make myself tired, to sleep nicely. I always thought way too much, so I had to tire myself out.

I scrolled through my gallery, looking at the multiple pictures I had done with SEVENTEEN members. I rolled over to my side with a sigh. "I'm feeling homesick again."

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