Chapter IX "Pain"

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Soobin:"I suggest we ask Arin about the girls 'exes' " emphasizing 'exes' in a dark tone
Bang Chan:"well we told the girls we won't try to invade their privacy"
Hyunjin:"but it is necessary,I think Arin wouldn't mind"
Minho:"me too,the girls reaction to their exes itself is dangerous"
Taehyun:"but the real question is why is seventeen working with them"

With the girls,

Arin POV

Seeing the maknaes this way breaks my heart,they were so happy and cheerful but they had to come and Im afraid for yeji and Lia their reaction when they meet their ex but theirs wasn't that toxic compared to the maknaes but still toxic


"What's wrong chaeryeong?!?why is Louis getting arrested?!"the elder asked "Unnie,don't ask but look at this all this was caused by him"her tears still not stopping like they have been fighting to not come,she showed me somethings that day that I will never forget "h...he"I was too shocked to say anything she just nod still shaking and crying I just tried to comfort her

End of flashback,

This reminded me of that day the maknae are calm now but still scared
We heard a knock,it was hyunjin
Hyunjin:"sorry to disturb but can arin noona come for a minute"
Arin:"no problem I'm coming"I looked at the girls they nod and I left

In the discussing room,

Beomgyu:"How are the girls?"
Arin:"they are alright now"
They all sighed in relief
Bang Chan:"we don't wanna invade the girls privacy but we need information to fight back"
Arin:"it's ok I expected it,well let's start with Max Yuna's ex he isn't very tall but is very proud,he was very possesive if he ever saw her with a guy he would r@pe her-"
All the boys were shocked
Jeongin:"what?!?he f#cking r@ped her!!"he said with full rage
Arin:"let me finish and calm down Jeongin"
Jeongin:"sorry noona"
Arin:*face palm*"it's alright well it was very common since Yuna had a lot of male friends/co workers at school and work place" I said holding my tears
Bang Chan:"that f#cker deserves jail"all of us nodded on his statement
Arin:"next Aiden Ryujin's ex he is Max's brother like his brother he was also very protective he would lock ryujin in her house and whenever he found ryujin hanging out with us or go out somewhere,he would ab$se her"
Beomgyu:"wtf!that guy isn't a human he's a monster"*angry like hell*
Yeonjun:"stay calm beomgyu"
Arin:"it's fine,Alex yeji's ex he was good in the beginning but he later he cheated on yeji,he didn't want yeji to leave him so he trapped her with and would do things to her time to time"I keep saying fighting the tears
Yeonjun:"he deserves to rot in hell!"*angry*
Hyunjin:"whatever he did to my sister he will pay"*angry*
Arin:"calm down you both,next Lia's ex Adam he use to cheat on Lia all the time and whenever she confront him about it he would hit her everytime to the point of going to the hospital-"
Han:"What?!?Is he crazy!!"*angry*
All the boys are still shocked and angry at the exes
Arin:*almost gonna cry*"calm down han, the good thing about Lia and yeji is that they moved on from their trauma unlike the maknae but do get flashbacks"
The boys sighed a relief
Arin:"lastly Louis chaeryeong's ex that mf deserves all the bad things in the world,he was a good actor we all thought he was a nice guy and a good boyfriend but in reality h...e h.e...-"I couldn't stop my tears anymore at that memory everytime remembering it still hurts
Seungmin:"noona you can stop if you want"all looked at me with pity eyes and comforted me
Arin:"it's ok I'm fine now thanks it's just their suffering brings me pain especially chaeryeongs I still can't forget that day"
Taehyun:"don't worry noona go and rest"

To be continued,

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