Chapter XI 'starting of the end'

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Minho POV

I had been weeks since the incident we all have made a plan and we are going to attack svt hideout/mansion
"Is everyone ready?" Bang Chan our leader asks
"Yes let's go" we all answered in unison
"Where are you guys going?"we were about to leave but saw ryujin on the staircase
"Ryu me and the others have our mission to do we are mafia after all" seriously beom ryujin isn't dumb enough to believe that
"Can one of you guys accompany us we have to go to our old house for something"though normally we would help them but we are busy with the plan that requires all of us "sorry ryujin we are busy today maybe some other day"
I guess soobin told her that well.. whatever "its ok"she left upstairs after saying that

At svt mansion/hideout,
"Well let's start" okay for today we are gonna sneak cameras in the mansion like they did with us

-Soobin POV-

Our best spies me,Taehyun, Seungmin and Minho were a team

A/n:- all the teams pairing:
Spy team-soobin,Minho,Taehyun and Seungmin
Snipper team:yeonjun,Kai,hyunjin and I.N
Assassin team:the others

Back to the story,

We sneakily went towards the basement where they discuss their plans and the others distracting the svt staff well
"We are here"Taehyun said getting us back to our senses "oh no it has a passcode"passcode what could it be? "Wait let me try"I said making way for myself towards the lock hmm wait it could be I thought as quickly typed the passcode '2605' the door opened "what was it?" I saw Seungmin curious self asking me "it was the date when they first became mafia"I smiled at what I just said as we opened the door and put the cameras where we needed we left after giving the others a signal

-Bang chan POV-

After completing the first half of our plan we came home but saw the whole house in a mess like the was thrash everywhere "What happened here!??!"I yelled then something clicked my mind "The girls!!!" All the boys widened their we went around downstairs to see if the girls are anywhere near here while yeonjun,hyunjin,han,Minho,Jeongin,beomgyu and soobin went upstairs to look for the girls
"They are not here!"changbin yelled to tell the others upstairs "T.they are not upstairs either" oh hyunjin I look into hyunjin's watery eyes "it means they kidnapped them,we are going back"beomgyu's anger is something we haven't seen in a while he is mostly cheerful

-Beomgyu POV-

Well after we know that the girls are kidnapped my anger knew no limits normally I'm cheerful but this I wouldn't let anyone hurt ryu again I won't let anyone hurt my first love
We are infront of svt 2nd mansion or in other words headquarters they are most likely here "you know what to do"Soobin our leader ordered us I got my gun ready as well as my knife "well well well" we heard a faint noise I didn't recognise it then the next thing I saw was only blackness

Sometime later,

"Beomgyu wake up!"l I slowly open my eyes "thank goodness your awake" I saw ryujin with tears flowing from her eyes

To be continued,

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