Kingdom Invasion.

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A few hours after the last chapter...

Saiyan Cookie was looking around the forest in search for the Raging Cake boar. But a few minutes later, its no where to be seen, he continues walking towards a pathway that leads to multiple cake-like monsters charging at him.

The Cookie smirke and takes off his Coat for the first time and powers up to only a Slim of his power.

Saiyan Cookie: Welp... they ask for it...


A massive explosion accursed when the slim power of Saiyan Cookie immideately wipes out the horde of cake anemones

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A massive explosion accursed when the slim power of Saiyan Cookie immideately wipes out the horde of cake anemones. All thats left is the boss which is the raging cake boar who tries to run away.

Saiyan cookie's fast speed quickly catch up to the running away cake boar and quickly finish it off by knocking it and the rider unconcious.

Saiyan Cookie: Well, that was easy...

He quickly gets a bag and stuff them inside and went back to the Kingdom.

Saiyan Cookie: And with that... I finally get some currency around.

A few minutes pass

But while he is walking back to the Current cookie kingdom, he has so many stares from the nearby cookies and gnomes with curious looks.

Cookie1: Look, is that a new cookie?

Cookie2: No way, he's probably from a far.

Female Cookie: Can we see his face? His wearing a coat.

Gnome1: I'm not sure, he's heading to the Guild. He must be on some sort of Bounty.

Cookie3: Ah, that might explain the Giant bag.

After Saiyan cookie went back to the guild, he calls the gnome who runs the place and gives him the bag with the trapped boar and the rider.

Gnome: Impressive! You did well.

Saiyan Cookie: I just need money for the ummm... resources I need.

Gnome: Sure after all, your a foreigner. Your welcome to do some Bounties at anytime.

Saiyan Cookie: Hmmm. what about... this...?

Saiyan Cookie takes one of the Wanted posters but this time he is getting the big money,

Red Velvet Dragon

Born as a  Saiyan Cookie In the Cookie realm...Where stories live. Discover now