The royal visit

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One thing I've noticed is that every department's name is engraved on their door which makes it easier to locate each department and not get lost. The same was the case with Daniel's office, it was easy for me to locate without any hassle. I gently knocked on the door and went in.

Just like the rest of the building it was painted in cream and light blue color. The Spartan office contained only the essentials, a chair, a desk, bookshelves and a lamp just like my office only that it was bigger. As I entered the office looking like a lamb that has strayed away from the owner and now has lost its way. I felt out of place and didn't know who to ask as they were all busy on their computers.

People were moving around from one desk to another then back to their desk at lightning speed, I heard a voice saying

"Hurry up, he'll soon be here and the report is not yet ready"

"The meeting with the Royal Patron is today and we have only two hours to set up the meeting with the magazine" another female voice said.

"Christine, have you tried getting in touch with the magazine once again?" a middle aged man asked.

"Still not picking up" a beautiful dark skinned girl with Afro hair styled beautifully which I believe to be Christine replied.

"It was then she noticed me. She then dropped everything she was doing and came to attend to me.

"Can I help you with anything? She asked me with a polite smile on her face which greatly calmed my nerves.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat feeling slightly embarrassed which attracted the attention of the other team members making my face heat up more red like a tomato, but luckily for me whatever they were doing was of too much importance to pay heed to me.

"I cleaned my sweaty palm on my black trouser, straightened my shoulders and put on a more profession look.

"Hello, my name is Jess and I'm the Director's new psychologist assistant" I said with a smile on my face.

"I'm Christine, the media PR. Assistant" she said stretching out her hands for a handshake.

"So, are you here for anything in particular? She asked looking at her wrist watch as if she has little time to spend just chit-chatting.

"Uhm! Yes!  Mr. Brock told me to consult with Mr. Daniel regarding the appointments he has for the day" I told her finally able to remember what I came for in the first place.

Just as she was about to reply Daniel walked in with airpond in his ear and in a very deep conversation. He seemed bored as a frown was etched on his handsome face though not as handsome as the Director. When he sighted me, he quickly used that as an excuse to end the call.

"Good morning sir" the staffs all greeted him in chorus and went back to their duties.

He looked at me for a while with a long look before he signed and started walking towards a small office.

"Come with me Miss Jess"

"Yes sir" I followed behind him from a distance.

I was all over the place and I think he noticed it with the way he was looking at me. He signed and asked me to sit. There was silence as nobody said anything.

"Sir, the Director said that I should consult with you concerning his appointments for the day" I finally managed to say while giving him the list and diary.

He went over the list and told me what I needed to prepare and the people that I needed to call beforehand. He was about to call Christine, when she suddenly barged in to his office.

"I'm sorry sir but I just wanted to inform you that Rose Bethmot, the daughter of the army general of Iduim Kingdom, the Royal Princess has decided to grace us with her presence with few of her entourage in order to celebrate the milestone achieved by the hospital and also to donate to the worthy cause being done here.

She and the Royal Matron the High Princess Melissa are coming for a public visit, which means we have to prepare for an impromptu visit. I have called a few of the media house apart from daily newspaper to come cover the visit, she said with excitement in her voice. I was low key excited too, I mean how many times does one have the opportunity of meeting a royal, talk more of two.

But the look in Daniels's eyes suggested that he did not share in our excitement. In fact his demeanor changed, he seems not to be in a good mood and the way he clenched his fists indicated that he was about to implode anytime soon and I wondered why? Is it because of having to work extra hard since it was not a planned visit or is it because of the security details? I wondered but kept my thoughts to myself.

I think Christine noticed too because she made an excuse of going to prepare the media room and all the equipment that would be needed and crept out leaving me alone to face the emotional aura of Daniel.

Just as I was about to excuse myself, his intercom rang and I suddenly saw a smile on his face. "So wired" I thought.

He dropped the intercom and looked at me with a mischievous smile that actually sent shudder down my body.

"Looks like there's going to be a storm soon and I don't know if you are prepared for it or if you are even aware of it but let me give you one piece of advice, show no fear, speak less and be confident" I felt his concern for me through his advice and I wondered if I should be scared or if I'm hallucinating.

"What sought of advice is that?" His words just kept ringing in my ear.

I think I may need to book a therapy session myself because I've felt a surge of different emotions since I resumed, emotions that I never knew existed.

When I got back to my office, I consulted with the caterer and ordered for some food and soft drinks because from what I heard, the visit will be a long one and I can imagine how famished everyone will be by then.

As I was heading towards Brock's office, I overhead him scolding someone. The only thing I heard clearly was "this was not what we agreed on" and then "bang" the sound of something breaking could be heard.

All this made me feel more nervous, I felt like I was walking on tight rope or being thrown in the middle of something that I was not aware of. Why is the Royal visit so upsetting to Brock and Daniel I wondered.

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