The deal

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"Rose Bethmot is on her way with Melissa, both of you are to host the charity event for tomorrow night and you are expected to welcome her today and show her around the hospital in front of the press" my mom said not bothering to ask of my own opinion.

"Mom, Walker can do it. Remember that no one knows of my true identity. If I welcome Rose in such a public fair, it will send the press into a frenzy and spark rumors that could lead to my identity being exposed" I said trying to reason with her.

"Well, it's about time you stop your little charade and resume your responsibilities at the palace, your dad is not getting any younger" she replied not caring about my feelings or our initial agreement.

I wondered what changed, she was in full support of my decision and this is just 13 months that I have been away from the palace, I still have some time till the expiration of our agreement.

"But mom, this was not our agreement" I said groaning in frustration.

"Everything is set, don't disappoint me son" she said and hung up the phone not bothering to hear me out.

I threw away the flower vase on my table out of anger.

"Are you okay sir?"

I heard her soft voice full of concern from the other side of the door which made me regain my composure quickly. I'm not one to allow my emotion get the best of me, it was one of the most important lessons I learnt as a soldier. When you can't control your emotion and allow your enemies to know your weakness, they will capitalize on it to bring you down.

"Yes! I'm fine" I replied

"Oh my God she must think I have anger issues" I thought.

"Come in" I said wanting to see her face, to calm my already racing heart.

A seconds later she was standing before me fidgeting with her fingers.

"I hope I have not scarred her with my behaviour." My mind was in a disorganized state, everything was finally going well in my direction but with the emergence of Rose Bethmot, everything has taken a very different turn.

"I made you tea and some snacks for you as you have a lot of appointments today including the press conference you have to attend in two hours" she said with a smile on her face.

I was impressed with her foresight and how she actually cared for me. I was always the giver and not the receiver. People always needed something from me be it money, status, fame you name it. People were willing to use me to achieve their end goals and not because they actually cared for me. But, she was the first apart from Daniella and this made me love her more.

"Thank you" I managed to say trying to reign in my emotion.

"Tell Daniel to take care of the press conference and the royal visit with the royals that are coming in today. I've a lot on my plate already. I instructed her as I know that Daniel is a better fit to welcome Rose as he is a royal and also one the ad-hoc executive director like me, at least Daniel can deflate the attention from me and buy me sometime.

"Sir, Daniel said I should inform you that he is going to visit his old sick parents and that he will not be able to make it to the press conference" she replied.

My eyes widen in disbelief at the lie Daniel told just to evade the press conference, there goes my alternative plan in flames

"Does this mean I can't really escape this damn royal visit?" I asked feeling frustrated.

Jess looked at me and regarded me for a moment before a little smirk appeared on her face as if a brilliant idea just popped up in her head.

"Leave it to me sir to find you a way out if you do not want to welcome the Royals personally"

Jess ZazaWhere stories live. Discover now