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A\N: I LOVE JIBBS so much and am pissed they killed Jenny off before she could tell Jethro how she felt about him. I knew she still loved him! In this oneshot, they got back together the night of Kate's funeral. I hope you enjoy, Angels.

She thought being Director meant not having to find a spot in the building and cry because hard cases get to you, but if anything it's worse than being a field agent and investigating the crimes. Being Director means she has to read the cases and feel as though she's a part of the crime scenes. And in her opinion reading about the crimes is worse than catching the bastards.

The new Director of NCIS Jennifer "Jenny, Jen" Shepard pulls her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, leaning her head on top of her dress-covered knees, tears falling down her cheeks. This has been one of the hardest days she's had while with NCIS, of course she's had harder days as an Agent and a few hard days in the few months she's become Director but none as hard as today. She had to tell a whole team of agents' families that their loved ones were dead and were never coming home. As an agent, she was used to telling family members that their loved ones weren't coming home but as a Director she had hoped she'd have a little more time to settle into the role before she'd have to give out the death notices to her agents families. There was a minefield full of un-detonated bombs that went off simultaneously the second a team of her agents stepped into the vicinity, they didn't even have time to get away.

Jenny's tears fall faster when she thinks about the team she lost: their families would never be the same again. They would never see their husbands, fathers, sons, uncles, cousins, grandfathers, mothers, daughters, aunts or grandmothers again. She'd lost agents before in the field, it came with the job, partners who's six she had and in return her partner had hers that she had watched die right in front of her, team leaders, suspects she had to shoot in self defence. She doesn't hear the door to the stairwell she's chosen to hide open, or hear the marine soft stride she's become so attuned to sense slowly walking down to her, sitting beside her. She does feel his strong arm wrapping around her shoulder and pulling her closer to him so her head is resting on his shoulder. "It's okay, Jen, it's okay." Jethro whispers even though it's just the two of them in the stairwell. Tears run down her face even faster than they have been before now that she has someone who understands somewhat of what she's going through. She shakes her head into his shoulder, contradicting him. "No, it's not, Jethro, no it's not." She says as the sobs she's been holding back all day start ripping from her throat. Jethro rubs the hand that's not around her shoulders up and down in between her shoulder blades soothingly. The former marine sniper turned NCIS Agent and the current Director are silent, save for the redheads sobs, for a few minutes before the sobs turn back into silent tears that crawl down her face and land on the suit jacket he's wearing. 

"I...I thought I could do this job but I can't, I'm not strong enough to do it, I should've said no to the team leader position in London, stayed with you in Paris and stayed a field agent until I earned it instead of fast tracking my career and being eyed by sleazy men in suits who thought that I'd slept my way to the top!" She rants as tears continue to fall off her face and onto Jethro's suit jacket. "I'm not strong enough for this job." She says. "Hey!" Jethro says firmly. "You are strong enough, Jen, you are. You're the strongest woman I know. Your drive and passion have got you this far. You've just gotta learn how to keep the emotion out of it." He says as he tightens his arms around her shoulder. "How many more phone calls have you got to make?" He asks her. Jenny sighs into his shoulder. "3. Johnston, Peterson and Burnes." she says as she sniffles away the remainder of her tears. "The one part of the job I hate." She says quietly before moving out of Jethro's embrace. "Ugh, I must look like a mess." She says, wiping her face. Jethro smiles and shakes his head. "Nah, you look beautiful, but then again, you've always looked beautiful to me." He wipes away the few stray tears that still remain on her face. Jenny laughs. "Oh before I forget, how'd you find me?" she asks, curious. He smirks. "I always know how to find you." Jenny gives him a glare. "Okay. stairwells were always where you would go at the end of a hard case so I thought you'd be here again." He admits. Jenny nods before getting to her feet, Jethro following suit. "Meet you at 2200?" He asks, knowingly. Jenny nods at his question. "You'll know where to find me." She says, Jethro kisses her again. "Always." He says as she walks out of the stairwell back to her office.

A/N: Another JIBBS story is completed, enjoy, Angles.

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