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Luke's Pov

I looked at my sister in front of me.

Lily was yet again busy in her own little world reading a new novel of hers.

Oh, how I despise them.

It's cheesy and cringey.

Plus my sister deserves better than those men she simps for in those novels even if she is very annoying to me.

Anyway based on her expression thus far, I can tell that she doesn't like this novel so why is she reading it?

Honestly, I have no idea why she keeps reading it in the first place.

"Tell me, Lils. Why are you reading it if you dislike it?" I asked my sister as her face grew red with rage.

"To see why people love Lila and why I do not. She's such a pick me girl!" My sister growled out before dramatically throwing the book and huffing as it hits the wall.

"Lila is such a little hypocrite. When Lila stalks Daniel when she is engaged to the first son of the middleclass family which is higher than Daniel's and hers, it's cute and Lila wanting true love but when Lilith does it to the prince when she's engaged to Daniel, it's cheating and she should be slapped for wanting cheat on such a good guy. Take in mind that this bitch, Lila, gives Daniel a love potion to get him to break up with Lilith and people are calling it true love and that Lila is such a girlboss for using a love potion to get Daniel to love her instead of Lilith!" Lily ranted her rage to her little brother.

I chuckled a bit, my sister always loved to analyze characters before she decides whether she liked them or not.

"I'm making a guess that Lilith is your favorite character. What happens in the end, Lily?" I asked looking at the book in the corner.

"Daniel breaks his engagement with Lilith and marrys Lila as Lucas allows them to. Lilith goes back to her parents to live a lonely life. That's the end..... That's all. They didn't even mention the prince again or his brothers who were also in love with Lila or the upperclass who are the prince's righthand men. It's like so......... Dumb..... There's very little of anything and even the war seems to be cut short." Lily scuffed, angrily as she glared at the book.

I nodded, no wonder why Lily is angry with it. Even if I despise the novels she reads, the ending of this one in particular was anticlimactic and there was no real conflict between Lucas and Daniel for Lila despite everything that happened and the love they claim to have for her.

Lily continued her rant, how Lila threw herself down the stairs to lower Lilith's popularity and how unfair the people were against her. Even though Lilith was rather rude, it was horrible of Lila to do those things to her.

I sighed but I listened to her. I loved Lily dearly and frankly, it is entertaining to see her rant like this.

"I know, I know. At least she didn't die." I pointed out calmly as Lily still looked like a tomato because of her rage at the novel.

"I hate Lila...... She's so horrible.... I can't see why people love her. Even in the story, she didn't do anything worth while excluding being completely useless. Lilith couldn't use any magic or mana nor did she have a familiar and she still fought while Lila would heal and she ran away and hid like the fucking coward she is!" Lily grumbled angrily as she crossed her arms.

I patted his sister's head like a mother would a child.

"Dear, dear. It's okay, Lily." I sighed as I patted her head.

"I swear that if I became Lilith, I'll make sure that Lila gets punished. She's so mean and everyone loves her for no good reason!" Lily sweared, flapping her arms.

I sighed again.

"I bet." I said rolling his eyes.

And that was all that was said about that novel for the day.

Lily burnt the book soon after and it left my mind.

Until one day after going to get some stuff from the shop for our mother, I just blacked out as a series of honks, glass breaking and metal slamming against each other.

I was surrounded by darkness but I felt something wet next to him before fully losing conscious.

I woke up to see a woman long black hair and white eyes looking down at him, she was clearly tired.

"Apollo, we have two precious ones. A boy and a girl." She smiled at a tall muscular man with long red hair and a kind face.

The man who I assumed to be Apollo, was holding a baby whom I also had to assume was the baby girl cheered.

"Oh, the gods have blessed us with twins, Eleanor!" Apollo said walking up to hug his wife.

I looked at the other baby as we were placed in the crib together with a pacifier in their mouths.

I tapped against the bed in morse code.

His new sister understood.

It's Lily!

Luke glared at her before tapping out.

'This is all your fault, Lily!'

'Damn it, all!'

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