8. Regulus black

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⚠️warning⚠️: slut shaming, panic attack

You never spoke of your relationship to your friends.

They never asked questions when you would leave, saying you had plans, they didn't approach you when they'd spot you hand in hand in the halls, a bright smile beaming on your face.

But you saw the resentment.

You saw Sirius grit his teeth anytime his name would accidentally slip past your lips.

You saw Remus' eyes fall when he saw you with him in the courtyard.

You saw James' fake smile when you'd show him your new jewelry and dresses that he knew you didn't buy for yourself.

You heard the girls' disapproving whispers when you'd leave your dorm to meet him.

It broke your heart every time. You wished to be able to talk freely about your love without feeling guilty, you wanted to bring him to your weekly game nights, you wanted to go to Hogsmeade during Christmas with everybody and get butterbeers and giggle as snowflakes clung onto all your eyelashes. You wanted to share that community with him.

But you loved Regulus more than any of those things.

The way his slender fingers soothed your sore muscles at the end of a long week, the way his soft lips felt on yours, the way he never spoke in anything but a gentle tone with you, the way his eyes looked at you with so much adoration you think you might melt.

That was all so much more to you than anything your friends could offer.

You loved them, with every fiber in your being you loved them so much, but they just couldn't compare to your Regulus.

"What are you doing today, Miss (Y/n)?" James asked as he bounded down the Gryffindor dorm stairs, a smile on his face as he prepared to ask you to spend the day with him and the boys. The girls were shopping in Hogsmeade, you had already declined that invitation earlier in the morning.

"Got plans with Reg, James." You said, a guilty smile on your face as you chewed on the inside of your lip.

James was the only one you could slightly talk about him with, the only one who would push his feelings for the younger Black aside for your sake, but even then it was barely any.

But you hadn't realized Sirius and Remus coming down the stairs behind him.

"Spending the day with my little brother?" Sirius asked, his voice sharp.

You nodded. Sinking further into the common room couch, trying so hard to avoid conflict.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He snapped, his voice going lower, his teeth ground together so hard you were worried they might shatter.

"Sirius!" James scolded, lightly shoving his friend's shoulder.

"No, you know what? I'm so tired of this. I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut for the sake of your stupid feelings when you're being reckless and stupid!"

"You have no idea what you're talking about you bloody idiot!" You stood from your sinking position on the couch, the hiding and ignoring was over.

"Of course I do! My little brother won you over with his charming smile and his empty words and I'm sick of it! He's incapable of love!"

"You're only proving my point." You seethed.

"Merlin, you're so daft you can't even see what's right in front of you!" Sirius yelled, his hands running through his hair and over his face as he flailed them around in frustration.

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