3:monster meal time part 2

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Kuga takes Liu's sheild without hesitation. "We were so close" Liu said with a hint of disappointment. "Not close enough!" I yelled with the others angrily. Me and everyone except Liu huddle up. "Why did you trust Liu? If you wanted to take down Kuga you should have listened to me!" Lonkey whined "and do what? Cry like you did Lonkey? Ahhh just take it." Popo mocked I chuckled a little, Lonkey snaps his head around to look at me "quiet you!" Lonkey gives me an angry look, I snicker once more before quieting down. Lonkey turns his head back to everyone else "That was all planned! Fine! If you don't wanna listen to my ideas, don't cry to me when it's too late!" Lonkey said with a smirk "hey guys... there is plan b y'know" Liu says while smiling. Me and the contestants gave an annoyed expression. The next monster was Kuga and time was running out. "Ha,This is gonna be easier than I thought." Kuga said triumphantly me and Liu notice that Miyo has spaced out and Liu tries to get her attention. She slashes Liu across the face with her claws. "Monster monster what time is it" Miyo calls out confidently "five o'clock." Kuga said with is arms crossed, Liu goes through plan b stating that we give a distraction ringing our bells. While Miyo sneaks up to Kuga and takes his sheild. It was a solid plan I thought. Me, Liu, Gai, Popo, Pala, And Lonkey start jingling our bells. Popo calls out "monster monster what time is it?" Kuga takes a mental note about how far away the bells sound. "Five o'clock." Kuga says seriously, Lonkey extends his next and tries to warn Kuga about Miyo but Kuga doesn't believe him. Miyo is so close to taking Kuga's sheild until he turned around abruptly calling out meal time.

All the contestants including me ran away trying not to get my bell taken. I can hear Kuga running behind Miyo's bell, then Gai's, then Popo and Liu's. One after another the bells were taken I was the last one when suddenly Kuga grabs me by the horn and take my bell. "Ow!" I shout "Nice try" Kuga said in his usual intimidating voice. Me and my fellow contestants sit on the ground in defeat. We were so close, but because of Lonkey we lost. Me and the others Curbs stomp Lonkey for his foolish acts "Stupid long necked idiot!" I yell at him for his ignorance. We all get the ok to go back to the dormitory so we head off. I get back to my room and play video games for an hour or two. After a while I head to the living room to go get dinner. I sit down next to Popo which greets me. "Hey there Astra, you were amazing out there!" "Thank you Popo." Was all I could say I blush a soft purple while thinking "Popo is so cute!"

(The end) 

This chapter took way less time than I thought it would! Thank you for reading 😊

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