9:Rock On! Pt.1

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( Apologies to everyone, I haven't written in five days because I've been busy with other things)

I spent most of the night compiling my five songs. (These songs are from our world because one I don't have the time to write my own. And two these songs don't exist in the universe of running man.) I was so nervous and excited for tomorrow because I have never preformed in front of people. I also knew it would be fun because I have a few tricks up my sleeve. It was tough getting to sleep I wondered how the others were doing with this. My alarm clock blared, I woke up and grabbed an energy drink out of a mini fridge I had in my dorm. I clapped my hands together twice and poof! I had a nice neon rock star outfit on with an added messy and fluffy mohawk, and star shaped sunglasses on top of my head. "Oh yeah! We're in business baby!" I say through the silence of my room.

I head out towards the living room with my energy drink for breakfast. I walk into the living room everyone's mouths dropped, I had new found confidence I had never had before. I sit down on the red couch "Wow you have some style!" Popo exclaimed "Thanks, y'know I would wear this everyday but I don't wand the bright glamour to fade." "I would want the same thing if I had something this awesome!" Liu added "This is gonna be awesome!" "Yeah! You're gonna rock Lonkey's socks off!" Popo said encouraging me to go all out "Heck yeah!" I shout as I put my and up for him to high five. Popo manages to jump up and high five me. I chuckle happily know that it was gonna be a great day. I sit back down and take another sip of my energy drink finishing it.

The announcer tells us the singing competition will start soon, so we get to our floating podiums and fly over to the stadium. There is a massive platform to stand on with a microphone in its stand. We form a line awaiting Charming Gold, "Good morning everyone. We have decided to try something new. This is the first ever running man singing competition! Now without further ado...It's running time!" Charming Gold said wasting no time at all. The robot pops yo from the floating platform for our preformances. "Since Astra won last round she gets the choice of whether she would like to go first or last!" The robot says "eh, I'll go last I wanna see what I'm up against!" I say genuinely excited to see what the others have for me to top. "Ok! With that being said Kuga your up first!"

(The end) 

(I'm sorry this was short! I don't have the motivation to finish today 😅)

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