The lump

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Your plot:🤩
Your alone while walking down a sidewalk to your small towns market to get some "ShiT". As you walk through the doors of the market, you see and very nice, tall, sexy, hot, muscular, Karen looking, daddy waddy, pookie bear, zombie killing MAN. You proceed to make you way down the aisles of the market to get what you came here for WITHOUT taking a massive dunk in your panty hoes. As you stop at the milk section at the back of the store, you CASUALLY open the glass fridge like doors and suddenly place your eyes on the back of your head to take a last minute glance at the nice, tall, sexy, hot, muscular, Karen looking, daddy waddy, pookie bear, zombie killing MAN, only to find he is coming down the aisle your are in. You blush furiously and feel the shit piling up in your panty hoes, crossing your legs and turning around to lean against the door. You've made a mistake... He walks up in-front of you and looks at you up and down.

"I don't appreciate you staring at me.." he whispers while placing a hand up against the glass door, trapping you between him and the glass fridge door. You gulp loudly, feeling more shit fall out of your ass and the waste seeping deep within your panties. "I-Im sorry.. it's just.. Your so.." you begin before he cuts you off. "I'm so what? Offaly sexy?.. Do I have last nights Taco Bell on my face?.. What.. WHAT DO I HAVE ON MY FACE?!" He exclaims, his other hand reaches up under your skirt. His hands make their way down towards your ass, his hand gently running over the giant shit lump in your underwear.. Soon enough, he smiles and slowly speaks. "Oh.. I like that.."

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