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Your remained still. Absolutely still as more shit falls from your ass. You stare into this man's eyes but only to see the smile growing on his lips. Trying to form words, you open your mouth. Your interrupted by his hand taken off your soaked ass cheeks and down your outer thigh. His hands were warm.. Everything was warm.. Especially the shit piling up in your underwear from his fingertips brushing against your unshaven thigh.

"Don't be embarrassed that I caught you.. but now it feels as if I'm attracted to you.. The shit running down your leg is too much for me to handle.. But, I must go now.." He whispers in your ear, letting his hand fall from the glass fridge door to his sides and the hand on your thigh slip away under his soft touch. In a instant, he turns away from you and walks to the front of the store. The items on the shelf's almost shake as he walks down towards the cashier as if there is a powerful force field protecting him from the world and all the indescribable catastrophes. You watch the man walk out of the market doors. You remain pressed against the glass doors of the fridges, your legs shaking from the encounter. Slowly, you stand up straight and take a step down one of the aisles, the same aisle the strange man walked down. Looking forward out the windows of the market, you realize he is nowhere in sight. This makes you ease down a bit as you walk closer to the doors. You reach for one of the handles, swinging open the door and stepping foot outside in the cold weather. You can feel the shit in your underwear freeze up due to the extreme cold, only to remind you of the mans soft, warm fingertips brushing over your outer thigh..

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