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Walking down a sidewalk, you come upon a a small cafe. You stare through the windows of the cafe as you feel the cold breeze blow past your legs, making you shiver in the cold weather. Trying to get away from the cold, you decide to go in the cafe. Reaching for the door handle, you swing open the door and step inside the warm, cozy bistro. Taking in your surroundings, you slowly walk down to to one of the side tables by one of the windows. Taking a seat, you stare out the window while silently tapping your fingers on the wooden table. Snow falls from the sky, snowflakes hitting the ground and melting almost instantly as a people walk down the wet sidewalks. Suddenly, the man in the market comes to your mind. You remember his soft fingers brushing against your thigh and over the shit lump building in your underwear by the minute. You almost get lost in thought, being interrupted by the bell ringing above the cafe doors.

Slowly flipping your head around, you see a tall figure... A very slim, muscular man walking through those small cafe doors. Looking at his hands and hair, you can tell it's the same guy from the market.. Your grip suddenly tightens on the wooden table, feeling your cheeks get hot and your shit daring to spill out of your ass. You quickly look away as the strange man walks down the rows of chairs, his eyes almost piercing into the top of your head. You feel your eyes widen and your cheeks getting hotter and hotter as the man walks closer to your table. You look up at the man and notice he's walking towards you with a familiar grin on his face, the same one that he gave you when he trapped you against the glass door in the market. You feel the tension in the air as he sits down across from you, your ass teasing you of shitting at that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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