chapter nine

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"She is here, maam." Victor said. The woman looked out the window. "She has HIM with her too. Even better. It will all be just a happy reunion!" "Who does she have with her?" Kelly asked.

"Kelly, she has your father. Looks like you will finally get to meet him. It will be a short reunion though so don't get too excited."

Janna and Brian ran up the stairs. They looked quickly around corners to make sure no one was there. Finally Janna saw Victor waiting for her, with many other men with guns pointed. "Stop now Ms Reed. You are outnumbered. Put down your weapons." They did. "Come with me. The mistress would like to see you." She leaned to Brians ear. "Mistress? Really?"

They walked through the door and she saw Kelly tied to the chair. "DONT YOU DARE HURT HER!" She yelled. "Calm down we havent! Not yet anyway." "You lay s hand on her and I swear to god you will never see the light of day!" Victor laughed.

"On that note, Masha would like a eord with you." "Masha? Masha. Really? Alexi's daughter?" "Hello Janna." Jannas heart almost stopped. Not her. It couldnt be her. All those years, her kids playing with Kelly, the meals, the time spent together. The friendship. Not her.

She turned around. The woman came out of the shadows and revealed herself. "Bailey Lucas." "Well isnt this a surprising turn of events??" Bailey said excitedly. "Why??" Janna asked. Her body was wrapped with so much pain. The one friend she felt she could trust, was the one ochastrating the whole situation.

"Well for one you killed my father. That in itself was enough to make me do this." "All those times together. The vacation. Why not just kill me then?" "My kids were there. You think I want them seeing that shit? Plus it wouldnt have been that fun."

Bailey moved around the room. She was mad. "Do you remember that day? 18 years ago? You had been in Russia for about 4 years by then. My father trusted you two with everything. Then you betrayed him."


"Allison look at this." She walked over to Frank. "He plans on taking this bomb to the US and just destroy it. He doesnt even want to take it over. He just wants it gone." "This is insane!" "So are you guys." They turned to find Alexi right behind them with his guards.

"My most valuable people. This was the only info I refused to give you and you go for it anyway. Who do you work for?" They looked at each other. "The CIA. We were hired to get intel on this thing. And we are have done our mission."

"Yes you have. But you wont be able to return home with it." The guards lifted their guns and started shooting. Allison and Frank ducked behind the desk and got out their guns. Allison looked at him softly and Frank looked down at her hand. "Al no. Dont do it. That isnt our mission." "Its do this or die." She threw the grenade out and waiting for the explosion. The guns stopped firing immediately. They got up to see all of them dead. Including Alexi.


"I was in the building that day. I watched you guys run out of the building and swore to my father as I watched him die that I would avenge him and kill you. I didnt find you until I saw you at the school as a teacher. I then hired Victor, my brother to help me. He was more than willing to help."

"Now Kelly knows your dirty little secret that you have kept from her for years." "To protect her!" "Well that hasnt seemed to do the trick now has it?" She walked over to Victor. "Give me your gun." He handed it to her.

"You see, the only way I can TRULY avenge my father, is if I kill something important to you, like you did to me." Janna knew where this was going. "Please Bailey. Dont kill her. Im begging you." "Oh Im not talking about her." She cocked the gun and shot Brian in the chest.

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