Hoodie/Brian x Reader

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You walked through pipes and debris of the abandoned building. The cold puddles of water from the pipes soaking your boots. You walked over and sat on one of the pipes to catch your breathe. Looking around as you waited for your eyes to adjust. As you were scanning the damp Grey room, you noticed something. It was a small Grey pushing. You looked at it confused, getting up cautiously and walked over to it. Before you could pick it up, someone grabbed your waist. You turned around very quickly, looking at the person. It was someone in a yellow Hoodie. The hoodie had a kind of comforting musky smell, but you were about to fight back. The person put a finger to your mouth, telling you to be quiet. He silently shushed you, and you were about to bite his hand. Until you both froze, when you heard heavy footsteps. When you slowly looked around the corner, the hooded person still holding you tightly. You saw another masked man, with jet black hair AND BEAUTIFAL SIDEBURNS. I MEAN THE SIDEBURNS WERE LIKE MICHAEL ANGELO SCULPUTED THEM HIMSELF 😍 ... I mean. The mask he had on was. Like cool to. I guess. BUT MAINLY THE SIDEBURNS!
Y/N: i-is that Tim?
You whispered under your breathe. The sideburns were a dead givaway. The hooded man covered your mouth again, holding you tightly. If this was some random guy, you would be freaking out. But his touch had a kind of comforting aura to it. You didn't want him to let you go, I mean it was cold down there. But he was so warm. Once the thing was gone, he slowly let go. You got a little uncomfortable from the cold air, but then looked at the stranger.
Y/n: .... who... are you?
You questioned. It let put a sigh of relief. It just starting to run away. But you ran after him.
Y/n: H-HEY!
You yelled, you finally caught up. Grabbing the person by the wrist. It turned around. You looked at him with determination to see who it truly was. There was a sigh. Until.
Hoodie: *sigh* so. You really are stubborn huh?
You looked at the person shocked. You just stood there, your hands going into your pockets. Brian had been missing for 3 years, you felt almost tears form. Before you could think, you realized you let go. And so did he. He took the opportunity and ran like hell, but to no avail. He was gone. You just stood there in utter shock. But as tears streamed down your face, you felt a sense of relief. Relief that he wasn't dead. Relief, that Brian was OK. You stood there for a second, until you heard footsteps coming around the corner.
Jay: y-y/n? OMG Y/N.
He said, running over to you.
Jay: WHY DID YOU RUN OFF?! I-im not mad but. We need to go. I-i think I saw Alex.
He said, grabbing your hand. You didn't really want to go, you kind of wanted to look for Brian. But you simply sighed and went along with Jay, you definitely didn't want to run into Alex. So you were led by Jay to the end of the pipes and out of the woods. Tim by that time (about an hour) had now been standing there.
Jay: tim-
Jay didn't hesitate, just ran with Tim as you tried to catch up. You were slightly out of breathe from all the running.
Y/n: W-WAIT!
You said, they didn't answer. You knew you weren't going to catch up without a brake. So you sat down for a second. Your eyes widened when you looked into the woods. It was Brian again. He was behind a tree, peeking around it. He had half of his ski mask up, he was smiling brightly at you. He made a heart with his hands, then you saw him. Alex. Alex ran after Brian, he blew you a kiss and ran. Alex trailing behind him. He was like a cartoon character at this point, so you weren't worried. Yet again, be juked Alex. You sighed in relief, until you saw Alex look at you. Then you ran as fast as you could, not looking back. Once you finally made it to the car, everyone was out of breathe. Tim looked behind the seat as he started the car.
Tim: T-thought we lost y-you back there. Sorry. For running so fast.
Jay was just looking through the footage, as you fidgited with your hands. They dropped you off at your house, and you walked in. It was very late at night by the time you got back, because Jay's dumbass wanted to do his little theory rant. I swear I've never see. Him and MattPat in a room together. Anyways, you sat there just staring at the ceiling. Thinking about all that just happened. After about an hour of scrolling through Tumblr mindlessly, you heard a tapping at your window. You got up, and looked. It was Brian yet again. You opened the window and hugged him at tightly as you could. He jumped down from the window and hugged you back.
Brian just laughed in reply, and stopped hugging you. He held your face smiling at you.
Brian: HAH you think HE can kill ME? Please. He can barely shoot a snail. I'm practically sonic to him. Hah.
He looked a little bit more serouis now. Looking down at the ground. Then back up at you.
Brian: I'm. Sorry. For you know. Not telling. You sooner?-
You cut him off, and grabbed his waist. You kissed him, he grabbed you and kissed you back. After about 4 seconds you both pulled away. He was blushing a little, same as you. He sighed, looking outside. Then back at you. He looked like he was eager to do something.
Y/n: it's ok. You can go.
Brian smiled, giving you one last kiss to the cheek. He pulled his ski mask over his mouth, and waved goodbye. He then flipped you off and fell back out of the window. You looked out of it, and saw him running into the woods. You smiled and shut the door. You could sleep good tonight. Knowing he was OK. And he still loved you.
HI YOU LOVELY CREATUREZ AND PEOPLE ALIKE >v•!!! Sorry I've been fucking dead yk. Buttt I'm trying :b I'm really busy with school. So. Part 2? Idk at this point but if anyone wants it sure •>• enjoy your day/night/afternoon! And don't lose your flashlight. ☆

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