Noah maxwell x fem! Reader: MY Light ⚠️TT⚠️

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Noah had always been very depressed about his situation. He could barely even do regular things anymore without. THEM. Ruining everyrhing. Every step he took, he knew those evil shadows are right behind. Until he met Y/N, they had been friends for a good 4 years. Noah needed her more than ever now. And she was everything. Bright, cheery, basically like the light he needed. He was obssessed. She didn't know it yet. But she would be his light, forever. Noah didn't think he was being possesive or anything, but he felt almost addicted to her inthuesiasm. He loved it, and her. She was his everything. And God forbid if those fucks took this from him. EVER.

Y/n's POV:

Noah had decided to take me for a walk on the boardwalk, I thought it was really nice of him. He had been hanging out with me alot more, and honestly I needed it. I loved spreading  my positivity to him, because even though this stuff has taken so much from him, it never succeeded in taking the smile I put on his face. I stretched and got up from my bed, going to my closet and putting on my F/C hoodie. After I put the hoodie on, I put on my F/P and got my phone. It had a weird text "Er schaut zu, ohne Augen. Du kannst nicht entkommen" it looked like it was in German, so I assumed it was simply someone who got the wrong number. I went outside and got in my car, driving to Noah's house. I knew the way like the back of my hand, he lived like 20 minutes away. When I got there, he gave me a big hug and welcomed me in. I sat down. He was wearing his usual striped shirt, smilling warmly.

Noah: still wearing that hoodie hm?

Y/N: uhhh. Duh. I've been wearing it since before we met hehe! Sorry, I just love this thing.

Noah: yeah. It. I-it looks great on you.

Noah said, putting his hand on his neck. I got a slight blush at his comment, but brushed it off. I then got up with him and held his hand, walking to the boardwalk.  I always really liked going on walks with him, it was the best time for him to clear his mind. He loves to listen to me ramble about my new hyperfixations aswell. He had a big goofy smile on his face when the two of us got there. I stopped at the entrance of the boardwalk, smiling and letting Noah go onto it first.

Y/N: heheh. Ladies first

Noah turned around and snickered.

Noah: Damnit, heh you got me. Now come on before the ants get you. Joe hasn't sprayed this place in years.

I hopped onto the boardwalk, tilting my head as I walked with Noah. 

Y/N: Joe? Whos- OH GOD.

Noah got a mischievous smirk on his face and whispered in my ear.


I pushed his face away.


I said with a warm smile, he slightly blushed.


As you both walked, Noah began to grow more anxious. He loved walking on the boardwalk, it reminded him of when he used to walk with Milo. But he always hated passing the observation tower. His gripp on your hand tightened as his breathing slightly quickened.

Y/N: Noah, are you ok?

Noah: Y-yeah, fine.

Y/N: Noah. You can't lie to me you know. What's wrong?

Noah: I-its stupid. Im fine.

Y/N: Noah i-

Noah: P-please. Please Y/N just.

He sighed.

Noah: I... uhm... 

You were both infront of the observation tower now. You got a good idea as you took Noah's hand.


You then led him to the boardwalk, you heard him muttering  swears under his breathe. You stopped, sitting on one of the steps. Noah just looked at you with fear, fidgeting with his hands.

Y/N: Come on Noah, sit down.

Noah: Y/n.. i-i... uhm. 

Y/N: if you don't want to, you don't have to. But it's ok! I promise.

Noah thought for a second, before giving a slow nod. He slowly stepped over, sitting next to you. He slowly held out his hand, wanting you to hold it. You happily obliged, he got even closer to you. It felt nice, because even though he lived in hell (Florida) it was a little chilly out. But then again you would wear that hoodie until you died, even if it was hot outside. Milo gave it to you before he died, he was like a brother to you. So you and Noah both basically trauma bonded over that, I mean you both met as his funeral. Noah sighed, looking at you. Feeling the bars of the observation tower, admittedly the paint was starting to chip off.

Noah: S-sorry I, you know. Keep having to. Vent to you, I mean your not a therapist. 

Noah said, he wasn't the best at expressing himself. You simply smiled.

Y/N: What's better, a therapist, or someone who is practically pinky from my little pony?

Noah giggled at that, giving you his usual goofy smile. But then it turned solom and serious.

Noah: I uhm. Don't. Really know what t-to do at this point. I mean. It's just getting worse? It seems like there is absulutely nothing I can do. I-i mean I feel so... helpless? It sucks. And honestly it's as degrading as it gets. Hell you'd have to be Leopold von Sacher-Masoch to enjoy the torture I go through.

He almost started to cry at this point.

Noah: b-but the hybrids probably h-have it worse than me. I mean all I can do is lie in my own pitty. G-god I'm pathe- h-huh?

He got a little surprised when you hugged him. The hoodie was so comforting, it even had Milo's old cologne on it. He started to cry, gripping you tightly. You simply patted his back.

Y/N: It's ok. Noah, you just need to think bright. I know it's hard but, your going to be ok! I promise. Listen, firebrand is watching out for you. Your going to turn into a freaking demi-god! I know it's tough now, but I promise your going to be ok. I love you.

You calmed him down softly.  He sobbed, enjoying your embrace. He then wiped his tears, smilling.

Noah: T-thank you so much. I-i don't know what I'd do without you.

Y/N: glad to hear it Noah.

Noah: Your my light.

He said happily. You got a little confused by him saying you were his? But you enjoyed his embrace. He held your hand all the way home, both of you enjoying eachother. It was now getting late, so he walked you to your car. He smiled and watched you leave the driveway. 

Noah: Your mine Y/N. I love you. Your mine. I love you so much. I love you Y/N I love you~ your mine. All mine. Your my happiness. MINE. 

He cooed to himself, walking to his house. He went to bed with a huge smile on his face, hugging his covers tightly. He didn't give a shit who watched him, he was pleased. He had you. And that's all he needed. And you had him. You were his. And he would never let you forget that. Or anyone else for that matter. He's had enough taken from him, and he wouldn't have his love taken from him. Never. Never. Never. ... NEVER... He thought to himself, cuddling a pillow he had sprayed with your perfume.


Haiiiii!!! I really enjoyed writting this lol, I'm very happy I got it out before December heh! And tysm for the person who requested this, you cured my writers block hehe. I personally thought of the Milo thing, but if you don't like it you can just ignore it. Request a part 2 if you wanna ofc! Have a good day/night/evening my guy gal or nonbinary pal!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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