Evan x reader

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Evan had be gone for most of the day. Mainly just messing around with the other hybrids and just getting up to shenanigans like usual. When he got home, he was pretty tired. Or worked up? It was kind of random. Y/n sat on the couch, watching F/S on the TV. Evan hadn't payed attention to you for a while. He was so busy and when he came home he usually just collapsed and went to bed. You heart the door open, you crossed your arms.
Evan: Hey babe! I'm finally freaking back. Like shit how much stuff can they think to do with a salad. My God.
Evan said, walking over to the couch and leaning over it. You made an annoyed face, just keeping your eyes locked onto the TV screen.
Y/n: hmph.
Evan just sighed. He layer his back over the couch slowly and fell onto the couch
Evan: SHIT.
He said, rubbing his head. He slowly slid closer to you.
He whined. You just scoffed. Standing up and going to the kitchen. He just sat at the table, pouring a bowl of F/C. Evan walked over and leaned on the counter.
Evan: ah. Such a... healthy choice.
He said sarcastically. You looked at him and got a mischievous look on your face. You got a ton of sugary sweets, and poured them in the bowl. You held the bowl, you didn't really wanna eat it. But you would.
Evan: wow. How mature. Go ahead. Eat it. I'm waiting
He said, smirking. He sighed, crossing his arm and just like gave Y/N a kind of sparky smile as he raised a brow.
Evan: don't you dare. Don't make yourself do tha-
You then ate the whole thing. Evan looked at you shocked, you stuck your tongue out. Then the smile slowly faded.
Y/n: .... shit...
Evan just looked at you with slight disappointment.
Evan: you have a stomach ache now. Don't you.
You nodded, still looking cocky. You walked up the stairs and layer on the bed. Just looked at your phone. Evan leaned against the doorway.
Evan: so your going to be like this?
He said, smirking like he had a mischievous idea. You nodded. Evan ran at you, tackling you to the bed. He held you in his arms, pinning you yo the bed. He smirked, you looked kinda embarrassed.
Evan: still going to be difficult?
Y/n: I don't know. You going to ignore me for the other hybrids for a week straight.
Evan sighed, and chuckled a bit.
Evan: so that's what this is about. Well. He, holding your cheek.
Evan: I'll fix this~
He kissed you, holding you tightly to him as he moved his hands down to your waist. He smirked when he pulled away, seeing you had a light blush on your face.
Evan: so. Happy?
You shook. Evan tilted his head, you smirked.
Y/n: cuddles might make it up to me.
He let out low snicker. Putting on a softer smile as he guided you down to the bed. He covered you both up and held you, letting you rest your head on his arm.
Evan: want to watch death proof.
You smacked him slightly.
You both started laughed. But he just cuddled up further into you. He looked very tired, so you wrapped your hand around him with your free arm as he layer his head on your chest. You both fell asleep.

Hey! Sorry if this sucked- TnT I'm trying but I'm kinds dry on writers block right about now. Ughhhh. I really like the sassy part but like idk if i should do more personalities for the different
Y/Ns >v< P.S. F/C means Favorite Cereal and F/S means favorite show -v-

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