Ch.7 Expectations Went Out the Door

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HANNA'S P.O.V~ *Saturday*

Everything is in place, my room is cleaned, there is pizza downstairs and my mom bought more junk food than a girl on her period. I shouldnt be nervous but how can you not when your christian brother is in the same house as you and your friends. Would he even let us listen to music? How would he react?

"Hanna! Your friends are here!", my mom calls from downstairs.

"Im on my way!"

I go downstairs to be greeted by Noel, Brianne, and Alex as my mom tells us to behave and leaves with my dad. We stay on the couch talking on what we are going to do. Most of them were crazy ideas but we laughed.

"Lets get this shit started!", Noel screams.

"Noel! Shut up! My parents may be gone but my brother is upstairs!", I tell them...okay I screamed.

"Chill dude you were louder than Noel", Brianne tells me as ofcourse we put our pervert faces on and fall to the ground dying of laughter.

"I thought you said we had the house to ourselfs, you said he was going out with his friends?", Alex continues.

"Sorry girls I couldnt leave you guys alone", my brother says coming down the stairs.

We all turn to look at him as the doorbell rang meaning his friends are already here. I notice there was something odd about my brother and I think Brianne thinks so too, she is the one that goes to my house a lot so she knows my brother well enough to know something is going on.

We all stay quiet looking confused as my brother tries to shush his friends from saying some words. This isnt what I expected, I thought some church boys in some choir were going to walk through the door complimenting on how our home is lovely and their flattered to be invited. No what I got was people dressed similar as the boys in school screaming there way while they walked into our living room and chilled around us. Some of them looking up and down at us and some giving a cocky smirk in our direction.

I pulled my brother to the side were they wouldnt be able to hear us,

"Chris please tell me these are not your friends and this is all a big prank"

"You dont like my friends? Thats too bad because their my friends and im the bigger person so if you dont mind we want to watch the game so take you and your friends upstairs and dont fucking tell me what to do"

"Fine I can take my friends upstairs, we will have our own fun. We dont want to interrupt your gay session, the smell of assholes is very overpowering"

I entered the room and my friends and I went upstairs. How can he say that? Was that even my brother I was talking to? Alex and Noel have disgusted faces and Brianne has the same face but she looks more shocked than anything. We all sit down on my room floor.

"What the hell was that all about?", Alex asked.

"To be honest I dont know" I answer.

Two hours into the sleepover we were having our own fun until we here heavy footsteps going up the stairs in going my rooms direction. As we all expected the footsteps stopped in front of my door and Chris opens the door and enters my room with his friends, rude.

"Hey sis, so we ate all the pizza mom left and im going to order another one for you guys, what topings you want?", he asked.

"Hawaiian", Noel says.

"Same", Alex and I agreed.

"Can you order another pizza with cheese", Brianne tells him. He took mental notes of what we wanted and stayed in our room.

"Can we help you?", I tell him.

"Yes I would like a good blow job please", One of his friends tells us as the rest laugh. We all gave them disgusted looks as Alex spoke up.

"Why do you want me to blow on your personality?", they all looked at her confused as we gave them a look.

"You dumb asses she is calling you a dick", Noel explains.

Once they finally got the joke they left my room. Im so confused to what happen to my brother. He wouldnt act the way he is acting now and he never even acted that way before? Maybe he is going through what I am going through. He probably like his type of friends like I do with mine, but not even I act that different when im with my brother so whats going on? All I know this is going to be a long night.



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