Ch.4 Dinner and Plans

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  It was already friday and Hanna felt like the week passed by so fast. She and Brianne's friendship has grown over the past week. She also invited Brianne for dinner on saturday so her parents can meet her new friend.

  Even though Hanna is used to Brianne, she is still not over Alex and Noel. Brianne seems so sane to her and her friends....not so much. 

  Her friends still scare her and when they went to eat at that pizza place, the amount of curse words used was shocking and they talked about weird conversations such as that a flavored condom could make the semen taste whatever flavor was the condom. Its just so weird.

  Hanna doesnt like Noel's and Alex's style in clothes either. She has never seen someone with such weird tast in clothing. She guessed it was because she grew up in a very religiouse community and everyone knew eachother and went to church every sunday. Until her dad got a new job and they had to move.

  Hanna is nervous on where she lives now. It is so different than what she has experienced. She hopes that moving here wont affect her life and everything would be perfect.



  Alex and I are in the middle of a scary movie laughing at some scenes because they dont make any sence or arent logic. If people just walked in on us laughing our asses off to some serial killer ripping a gut out of a person, they would think we need a mental hospital asap. Sure its weird that we act this way but hey, wouldnt you laugh too at something so fake?

  Halfway into the movie I got to think about Hanna. She is just so pure, its so creepy and weird. She wants everything perfect and I hate people who think something can be so perfect when this is the real world and nothing is what everyone wishes to see. I understand people who have an OCD because they cant control it and its who they are but people who dont really have a reason is the poeple I dont trust.

"Hey? You okay?", Alex asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yea just thinking"

"About what? How to make fake blood or guts?", she asked laughing and me laughing as well.

"No about Hanna. Dont you think she is weird?", I ask.

"Now that I think of it she is kinda weird but I think its because we never really hanged out with a person like her", Alex says.

"But what about Brianne? Doesnt she go to church or something?", I ask.

"Brianne is a different story", before Alex could say anything else, my phone rang. I look at the screen and I see its Brianne calling, funny.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy!", I answer as I put the phone on speaker so Alex can hear.

"Hey! I just called to let you guys know I wont be able to go to that concert with you guys tomorrow"

"What? Why!", Alex screams.

"Cause Hanna invited me for dinner and her mom already talked to my mom and my mom already said im going", Brianne explains.

  Alex looks very pissed off, so am I but for some reason Alex is angrier.

"Its okay Bri, maybe next time. Bye!", I say into the phone.

"Okay, bye!", Brianne says as the call ends.

  I look at Alex and she is just sitting there with an angry face, why is she so angry? She's probably thinking on what are we going to do now with an extra ticket. Im angry too but I really dont care that much.

"I cant believe it! What are we going to do with an extra ticket now?", she finally speaks.

"Maybe we can ask someone else to go with us or sell it", I tell her.

"I think selling it would be best because then we can actually have money for gas and new clothes and stuff"

"Seems legit", I say and then we both continue watching the movie.



  I walk into the kitchen and see my mom still cooking and getting the tables ready for dinner.

"Here ill help with the plates and forks", I say to my mom as I start helping.

  After everything was in its place, there was a knock at the door signaling that Brianne was here. I went to get the door and help Brianne in and we all started eating as we talked.

"So Brianne, how are your classes?", my mom asked.

"There doing great actually. Im in an advanced program for college."

"Wow that must be tough", my dad comments.

"Its is but I find a way in studying and getting everything done", Brianne says.

"What do you want in a career?", my dad asked.

  Everytime I make a new friend I will bring them to dinner or invite them to hang out with my parents so they can get to know my new friend. Thats why they ask so many questions. They just want to protect me and make sure I make the right choices.

"I will like to be an author", Brianne says.

"Thats nice! What type of books would you like to write?", my mom asks.

"I like fictional things." no no. Oh my, my parents dont like fictional things! I cant watch anything that includes any magic or anything else that is fictional.

  My parents think that fiction is a waste of time after you are about 5 or 6. They dont like it after that age because its a sign of being childesh. They think its important to know that life isnt as great as the movies.

"Oh, well thats nice", my mom tried to say it in a non-hestitant way but failed. My dad stayed silent on the other hand.

"! I want to know the plans for my birthday.", I say trying to change the subject.

"Well we dont really know, what do you want to do?", my dad asked.

"I was wondering if I can have 3 friends over for a sleepover"

"A sleepover sounds nice.", my mom says.

"okay then you can have a sleepover"

"thank you!", I say to both my parents and smile at Brianne. We continue eating and talking and after that I got to hang out with Brianne more until she had to go.

  I cant wait till my birthday!


Hopefully this is longer than last chapter.

Thanks for reading and please
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