Alpha Training

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Orca's core classes went without a hitch. Lagretha and Siggy had the same schedule only instead of Alpha Training, they had a class that matched their status. During her lunch break, Orca left her pack mates to eat their food as she went to go hand in her papers for the job. The barn manger was there.

"Hello there Orca," the woman took her papers and read them over quickly.

"Perfect. Follow me, I'll show you the horses you will be responsible for," The woman walked off towards the end of the barn near the arena.

"You will responsible for these four horses. There's Trinity, Cleo, Maggie, and Buck. In the main office by the front door of the barn is a filing cabinet with all of our horse's names and information. In the morning, I want you here by 4 to clean the stalls and bring them out for the day. I also want you to put their grain in the bin and set up for the dinner. Everything food related is in the feed room down the end of the hall. In the afternoon, I need you here from 4 to 8. Bring the horses into their stalls, check to see who's in the lessons, and exercise them before hand. You can help during the lesson as well. Help with cleaning tack, it's all by the feed room. Put these guys in for the night, feed them dinner, and set up for tomorrow. So, when can you start?"

"I can start today after school if you want. Can I bring Max with me?" asked Orca.

"Yes of course. He's s cute little guy. I'll see you later today then," the farm manager went off to continue her duties. Orca went back to the cafeteria. Lunch had already ended and Largretha and Siggy were waiting for her by the front entrance.

"So you got the job then?" asked Siggy.

"Yup I start today at 4," Orca replied.

"Awesome. Well, this is the only class that we don't have together. But all the classes are in the same building. We'll meet you at the gym for the self defense class. Good luck," Siggy gave her a quick hug and Lagrethra was already off before Orca could blink an eye. She looked down at Max who was gearing up for their next adventure.

"Ready to be an alpha?" she asked. Max wagged as his tail as she led them to the Alpha Training room. It was a large lecture room willed with at least three hundred seats. There appeared to be one hundred students and a least twenty or thirty teachers, and more were piling in. Orca chose the seat closest to the door. Even though everyone would be passing her on the way in, she would be the first one out. As the room began fill up nearly to the max, Duval slid in beside her. Great. Orca began looking for another open seat but there was only one beside a really old guy who reminded her of a plump bull dog. She decided to skip that seat.

"What did you think of your classes so far?" he asked. He was sitting up straight with his arms crossed as he surveyed the room.

"Same as with a human school. Although the werewolf history was a nice touch," she replied.

"That boring hu?" he cast a glance towards her.

"No. My human life wasn't boring which was why I didn't want to leave it," Orca said. She looked away from him.

"My apologizes. But trust me, once you phase, you'll be relieved to be enrolled in this school. How's Max holding up?"

Orca cracked a smile.

"Honestly, he's so over stimulated that he's actually pleasant to be around. When we get home, I doubt if he'll ever lift his head again," she replied. It was then that an older version of Duval walked over to the podium. There was dead silence as he entered the room. Duval sat up straighter, his only focus on the man before him.

"Good afternoon new pack mates and old friends. Just for those who haven't heard of me yet, " he cast his eyes over to Orca's as Duval chuckled, "I am the alpha of this territory and you will address me as Alpha Bane. As you can see students, the room is dotted with some of our graduating students and past alphas. They will be assisting you in your training. My son, Duval, will also be assisting during these lessons. Now, before we begin, can anyone tell me what you should expect in this class? Orca? What do you think?" Every single pair of eyes fell on her. Her mind went blank and she broke out in sweat. Max, sensing the pressure in the room began to tremble and then, much to Orca's embarrassment, began to pee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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