Chapter 5:Mysteries and a feeling

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Eventually that feeling got too overwhelming, my palms felt sweaty, the hairs on my back stood up straight, my stomach squeezed and churned, my blood rushed cold through every fibre of my being.  'Oh shit.. am i about to be sick?' I thought to myself.

Before i could even raise my hand to ask to go to the toilet, my legs had already began to sprint towards the door for the toilets. Behind me i could hear the teacher call my name, yelling at me to come back and ask for a hall pass.

TW: sickness

I ignored every word and kept running and running, until i saw the toilet door, my hand across my mouth hoping it'd do something to keep it in for a bit. As i climbed over the toilet, i felt it, i threw up every single bit of anxiousness inside of me.

My eyes were wide as i felt the burning acid like liquid leave my throat and splatter against the toilet bowl. A sense of relief flooded me. Maybe that's what had been making me feel all tensed up. Maybe it was just a stomach bug or as bsf/n said that it'd be me being homesick.

End of being sick

Suddenly, the door to the girls bathroom flew open, i was still kneeling against the toilet, looking less paler than before. It was my teacher. She saw me first and began to yell until she looked properly at the toilet then me. That's when she kept apologising.

She helped me up and started taking me over to the office to be sent home with bsf/n as i had no-one else to take me. Plus i couldn't go by myself. I sat down on a spiny chair as i waited for the staff to get bsf/n.

I was happily by myself enjoying my own company until i heard the bell ring. Great, it was early lunch today for everyone. I watched as people left their classrooms, some of them had eyes on me and then quickly looked and walked away to lunch, but most people just ran to the cafeteria. Like slowdown, you're gonna be fed sometime soon.

The office which was near reception to leave the school was sandwiched between the schools mini library and the reception area.

I huffed after a bit until i heard someone say "Oh so i guess i'm not welcome here then?"

Which made me quickly look up to the voice, It was Lloyd. "Yeah, can't you see i'm a hazardous disease" I said back to him jokingly. To which he laughed and said "Good God, looks like we'll have to call the ninja to come and deal with you then"

"The ninja? I'm pretty sure you need government officials to deal with this" I said smirking and raising a brow at him.

"Pfft yeah right, they rely on the ninja group for literally everything." He said scoffing and sitting down in the chair next to me.

"So what's up? Are you going home.? are you unwell? Sorry, if that's alot to answer all at once, i mean. You don't have to-" He said rambling on

"Yeah, I was sorta sick in the toilet and now i'm being sent home with bsf/n..." I said as i began to think 'should i tell Lloyd about that weird feeling i had from earlier and what happened at home or.. No Y/N! Keep it to yourself. Don't trouble other people, especially your new friends with you silly homesick stuff.'

He'd noticed i'd went quiet for a bit as he put his hand on-top of mine and squeezed it a bit. Which stopped me from thinking so much. I looked at him.

"Hey, if anything is bothering you... you can always confide in me. I'm not one to judge" He said giving me a soft and understanding smile.

I smiled back at him and practically lied through my teeth as i said "Yeah, don't worry about me. Everything's fine"

I guess we both were staring and smiling at each-other longer than we should've been as i heard a 'ahem' in-front of us. We both looked to see who it was and it was bsf/n standing there. Hands on her hips as she was smirking and she said "am i interrupting anything?"

Me and Lloyd quickly pulled our hands away from each-other as we said "No! Of course not!"

Bsf/n laughed as she said that she was just teasing and signalled to me that it was time to go and sign out of school for the day. I nodded and got up before abruptly turning around to see Lloyd already walking away, I quickly shouted "Lloyd!!".

He turned around and faced me with a smile as i said "See ya!". I waved my hand at him with a huge smile on my face to which he returned the wave and then proceeded to walk away again. A part of me felt sorta upset watching Lloyd walk away. I didn't even know why. I didn't know him that well. But still, shrugging it off i also parted ways.


Me and bsf/n decided to have took the tram home, which was actually really nice and soothing. Much better than the rugged bus which ruthlessly threw us about. Was that like how it was to be a fish in finding nemo?..

Once we got home, she quickly ushered me into my room and told me to change and she would make me some soup to help calm my stomach. I had no other choice but to give in. I changed into my pj's and laid in my bed, wiggling my feet a bit as i thought about the interaction i had with Lloyd earlier until i saw bsf/n walk in with some soup, some buttered bread and a glass of water and a cup of green tea all held together on a tray.

"Ok, Y/N tell me what's wrong. You're not usually sick like this and you appeared fine this morning.." She said placing the tray on my lap as she sat next to me on the bed.

"I.. It's- No"

"Don't you dare say it's nothing. Because we both know it is something... *sigh* Y/n.. please.. tell me what's going on, I'm your best friend.. whatever we have troubling us, we do it together.. ok?" She said as she looked at me

"I know.. I'm sorry.. I just don't want to burden you with anything.." I said looking down at the warm food.

"Well whatever it is. I won't judge. So please tell me" She said pleadingly.

"It's.. a feeling.. Like.. I'm being watched all the time. It's scaring me and i don't know if you've felt it too. But even at school I feel it. I've felt it ever since i saw whatever it was outside that night. I'm scared Bsf/n.. what if it's still out there?" I said to her, feeling the tears and the sickness return once again.

She just hugged me and said "Y/N i promise.. nothing bad will happen to you, I'm here.. But if you'd like, would you want me to take atleast 1 look outside.. just for you?"

I nodded my head slowly "Yeah.. just make sure to arm yourself! Incase something is out there ok?"

She nodded her head and got up, I watched from my window as i saw her head outside with a baseball bat. She cautiously looked around scanning the garden bit by bit, then looking up to my window to smile at me which made me feel a sense of comfort. I watched her check the whole thing, even the gate where i saw the figure. She had came back, bat still in hand and a gentle look on her face.

"Well, there's nothing out there Y/N, you're free." She said to me.

"Thank you bsf/n, maybe you're right, maybe i'm just homesick." I said looking up at her, already have finished my tray of goods. I already felt much better.

"Ofcourse! Anyways, i'll let you get your rest, you're probably needing it after feeling that way for so long" She said taking the tray and then walking out to the kitchen to wash up.

I sighed in content as i yawned and relaxed in my bed. A feeling of comfort and safe blanketed me as i drifted off to sleep.

?? Pov:
Yeah.. she's asleep. No. No they didn't see me, infact. I'm right inside the house as we speak. Don't worry boss. They won't find me. However, the key to your plan is sleeping right now.. should i go in?

Alright... I'll update you if anything happens or changed boss.

*off coms*

"Y/n... what a intriguing person you really are but... just who are you?"


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