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We opened our eyes and just lay on the couch enjoying each
other until there was a knock at the
door. I looked at my phone it was 8
am. I slept blissfully for three hours. I don't think that's happened since Kevin. I'm finally at peace. But for how long?

I groan, "F*ck it's early."
Vincent stretches, "What time is it?"
"It is barely 8," I yawn.
He kisses me, "At least you got a short nap."
He pushes me up, "Go get the door, it's your wolf I can smell him from here."
I roll my eyes, "Glad I don't have that ability. If I smelled bad you'd tell me
though, right?"
With a small smile he says, "You smell like the sea and roses and taste even sweeter."
I ask, "Does anything smell like that?"
He shakes his head no before I reach the front door.

"Morning, Sam," I say as I motion for him to come in.
He looks at me, "Um, I can come back."
I laugh, "Come in already. It's just pajamas come in. Katie is still asleep."
Vincent answered from the living
room in a normal volume, "If she wakes we can just compel her."
I respond, "I know, Vin."
Sam asks, "You heard him?"
I answer him, "I have vampiric hearing now."
He kisses my cheek, "Well that is certainly interesting."

Does he suspect something? Maybe he can smell or sense something that Eric and Vincent can't? We finally make it into the living room.
I tell them to wait a second because I need to summon Eric so I touch my cheek and inform him that the
wolf is here.

In my mind....
"I heard that," Vincent says.
"That solidifies that and confirms that things just keep getting.." Eric says but I finish by saying, "Weirder by the minute."
We all laugh and Vincent and I do so out loud.

Sam chuckles but asks, "What is so funny?"
I tell him, "Too many voices in my head."
He nods as if he understands. Does he?
Just then my stomach growls, "Well I guess breakfast first
then chat."

They follow me into the kitchen.
Sam says, "I can help."
I ask, "You good in a kitchen?"
He nods, "Yes my grandmother taught
me well."
Must be nice to have a family dynamic. Maybe one day, I will know what it is like.
I say, "Sam will help me cook. Vin can you tend to the tea for us and
Katie will want coffee and
He raises his eyebrow, "Can't the princess get her
I sigh, "She can but she won't because of the destruction from before. So just do it, please."
We hear Eric in our heads tell us
that he's on his way by car.
I say, "Apparently we need to set
the table for one more."

Both Sam and Vincent look at me and say, "We heard."
I say, "This is wild."
"It is crazy is what it is. I had a quiet house until yesterday," Vincent says.
I sass him back, "You're the one that insisted! So blame yourself."
Sam looks annoyed with both of us, "Do you always bicker?"
We both answer, "Yes," at the same time. Sam chuckles.
Vincent glares at him, "It's not funny, Wolf!"
Sam wipes his tears, "But it is, you have a spirited and beautiful woman living with you and you're complaining."
Vin addresses Sam, "This spirited woman nearly
flooded the club last night."
Shocked Sam says, "She did what? How?"
Vincent looks Sam in the eyes, "She can control the elements, but she's gonna need practice."
Sam runs his hand through his hair, "Neither of our kinds does that."
Vincent nods, "I know but witches do."
"She is not a witch!" Sam exclaims.
Before they continue to talk as if I'm not here I order, "Eric's here. Vin go let him in."
He shakes his head, "How can you know? I don't sense him yet."
I sigh, "Well, I just do. By the time you
stop arguing with me and get
to the door, he will be there
just tapping his foot
wondering why you took so
As he shakes his head about to walk off, "This is going to be a very
long eternity."

I laugh as I talk with Sam.
He asks, "You enjoy unnerving him,
don't you?"
I grin, "Immensely so. Wouldn't you if you were me?"
He laughs, "Yes, I believe that I would."
I kiss his cheek, "Thank you for helping me cook."
He smiles, "I enjoy it."
Katie comes in yawning and stretching, "Ummm I smell food and
I tell her, "Yes, go sit. Vin got your juice
and coffee ready on the table."
Just then she jumps because she noticed Sam, "Ok, umm...hi Sam."
He chuckles, "Good morning, Katie."
She says, "Not that I mind, but why do we have company?"
I have to think of something, "Oh the story I'm working on,
thought we'd eat first." It's not a complete lie. I am the ultimate story that no one can read.
She relents, "Fine by me. I'll eat and then
I'm going to the spa." I had forgotten that today was her monthly spa day. It's good because we will need the privacy.

We all took the food into the dining room. Sam and I made a bit of everything Tapas style. Whatever doesn't get eaten I can repurpose the leftovers.

We all made small talk about the food. Katie asked if Eric was a part of my story too. He said that he was. It's not a lie. He is. Hell, he is the reason we all met.

Eric has a surprised look on his face after he took a bite of a waffle that I made, "This is quite good, I'd like the
recipe for the waffle batter
Vincent and I both chuckle because we know that Eric just realized that he can taste my food.
Vin asks, "Do we have any of the
cheesecake things left?"
I laugh, "Yes, in the fridge. I have created a monster!"

We all laugh. We idly chat about trivial things until Katie dresses and leaves.
Sam says, "I will help with the dishes."
I'm not used to having any help, but I would be stupid to tell him no.
He starts scraping the plates clean.
"Thanks," I say as I go to the kitchen and fill the sink with soapy water. I hold my hand out and wish for the plates that had
been cleared of food. They fly to my
hand and stack. The guys all stare.
Vincent says, "Yeah forgot to mention she can do things like that since
she turned 25."
Eric adds, "That's a witch's ability but
requires a spell to be spoken. We know that she doesn't scent witch but we can't completely rule it out. She could be pure vampire but none
exist that I know of. Plus she doesn't require any blood."
Vincent tells Sam, "Her blood isn't vampire but
it's not anything I know."
Sam glares at Vincent, "You didn't!"
I take Sam's hand, "No he didn't."
Vin looks at Sam, "She's my mate l'd never hurt her!"
"Sam, our kind can't harm our
mate. It's as if a force field
prevents us from doing it. He won't ever purposefully harm her," Eric adds.

I want to release some of the tension so I change the subject, "Eric, you could taste the food, couldn't you?"
He nods, "Yes, but I don't know how that is possible."
Sam laughs so Vincent says, "If you think it's so simple then
you explain."
Sam grins, "Our girl loves to cook. She
puts a bit of herself into it just
like she does with her writing.
Why you both sought out
Midnight Rose. She is why
you both can taste and feel."
I think he's onto something, "The age old saying, you can
tell the difference between a
dish made with love and one
They all nod as Sam's grin widens.

"I am going to ask a few questions. Vincent, what does her blood taste
like?" Eric asks.
"The sea and roses," Vincent says.
"Her lips?" Eric inquires.
Vincent licked his lips before answering, "Better and sweeter than strawberry wine."
"Sam, how does she smell?" Eric asks.
"Like a flowering meadow at
twilight that I pray to get lost in," Sam dreamily says.
Eric chuckles before he turns to me, "So Midnight Rose, seems very
fitting doesn't it?"
I look him in his eyes, "But that's not why I picked it."
He nods, "I know. But it's why it suits you. Okay,  myself and Vincent know
why Eva is our mate. How do
you know Sam?"
Sam rubs circles on my hand as he talks, "Well her scent piqued my
interest. I smelled her long
before I saw her. Then our
eyes met. Hers glowed a
beautiful green like a grassy
meadow. I just knew. A life
flashed with her in it. We call
it imprinting. It only happens with our mate and only once in a lifetime."
I am near breaking, "No offense but why......just
why......I can't be sitting with
three mates and the fact that
I'm not human. This is a lot.
It's too much!"

Vincent takes my hand and escorts me to my room, "Eva, please breathe. I think
we should get changed and
then we all go outside. We will figure everything out
You're not alone in this!"

I know that I'm not alone, but I feel
like an alien as if I don't know
myself. They know what they are and what abilities they have. I'm a wildcard and a walking time bomb unless we figure this out and fast!

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