Episode 8

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I arrive at the party and as i enter the hall that i never seen before , my eyes sparkle from the decoration of the hall. The walls have the beautiful white colour that brights the room, the tables had covered with lavender tablecloth. Different kind of flowers are in the middle of the tables and around them there's snacks and food. A lot of people talking with each other while having a drink in their hands.

"Welcome Y/n." Seonghwa approach me with a smile

" Thanks, Seonghwa." ,i replied smiling back,  "Thankfully you're here because I don't know any of them."

"I know it will be so bored, right?"

" Yeess." You both laughed 
"Y/n I'm glad you came. Come here for a while i want to introduce you to some people." Ceo said and took me with him

Seonghwa laughed as i walking away because he knew that I'm getting bored with these things.

Authors pov:

He took a sip of his drink and he heard Yunho.

" I see that everything is going well." he said as he watching the hall

" Indeed."  Seonghwa replied

" Seonghwa.. about this morning-"

" I did it because I learned what you did to Y/n. I wanna believe that you changed and it's only in the past." he answered looking at him

" I have." ,he lied, "I already apologized to her even tho she haven't forgive me."

"Then you don't have to worry about our friendship." he smiled

" Yeah." he softly smiled

"Can we take a picture of you together?" The cameraman suddenly said

They both looked at each other and nodded.

After a lot of introduces from the ceo you bow down and left. You saw Seonghwa and Yunho posing as the photographer's talking pictures of them. You approached them..

Your pov:

" You must be Y/n the new model of the company right?" The cameraman spoke looking at you

" Yes." i said with a smile

"Come closer I want to take pics with all of you." he said

Seonghwa told me to come and don't be shy while Yunho looking at the other side. I went there even if it was awkward. I was  standing between them facing the camera and click, click the pics were taken.

" Very good, very good. You are all so beautiful. This is my card if you need the pics." he said letting his card in Seonghwa hands

"Thank you." Yunho giving his gratitude to him with a smile

" Ughh, I want a drink."  i said to Seonghwa

"The table is over there Y/n go and get it." he playfully said

" You're so mean." i pouting to him

" I will go and get you one." Yunho said and left

After a few minutes.

" Here's your drink." Yunho said giving me the drink
"Thank you and you didn't have to."

"It's fine I wanted a drink too." he said drinking the drink

The time have passed. Now i have left alone because Seonghwa had a job to do and Yunho was with the Ceo and some old rich men. I accidentally heard their conversation.

"Yunho I like to take you to my company. I will make sure you'll have everything you want." the one said

"No, I want him, I will give you the x3 of the money that they give you if you'll come to my company." the second said loud

"Haha he's pretty famous. But you have to listen what Yunho have to say right? " Ceo spoke

They agreed to his words.

Yunho? They want to hire him other companies? Please say yes!! I  wishpered expecting from him to say yes.

" I don't want to offended anyone but I like being in this company and I have everything I need." he said with a sweet smile that no one could disagree with him

They agreed with his decision even though they were disappointed that he rejected their offer.

" He's really that famous?" I wishpered again wondering

"What are you looking at?" Seonghwa spoke to my ear

I flinched looking back from me. "What's wrong with you? You scared me!!"

" Haha sorry Y/n. I was wondering what you were looking."

" Nothing important."

Yunho saw us and started walk in our direction.

" Y/n can you come with me? They asked me to introduce you to them." he said looking at the men from before

" Sure."

He reached his hand to take mine. I hesitated for a few minutes but i took it at the end.

"I'll be back." i said to Seonghwa

He nodded and at the same time someone told him something for his work and left with him.

" Wow. Nice to meet you Y/n. You are truly beautiful." the old man said

" Yes she is." the other agreed

"Thank you." i answered with a shy smile

" We are choose carefully our employees,  you see." Ceo spoke with joy

" You sure do." they looked at each other and laughed
I was feeling uncomfortable there and Yunho notice it.

"Excuse me. May I take Y/n with me? I need to discuss something with her." Yunho said to them

" Of course." Ceo agreed and continue to talk with others

Yunho took my hand and walk with me to other place of the hall. I was facing his back when the flashback rushed to my mind..

* " let me go!! "  i screamed trying to free my hand from his.*

I remembered the moment when he was taking me to lock me in the toilets.
I released my hand from his own. He stopped and turned his face.

" I need to go to the bathroom." i told him looking down

"What happ- " Yunho tried to say something but he stopped as he saw that i have left already


" Get yourself together." i said hitting my cheeks while facing the mirror, "You've got this Y/n! Don't let it bring you down."

I walked out of the bathroom and i saw Yunho waiting for me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me

"I'm fine i just wanna go home."

" Let me give u a ride."

" It's okay I call a taxi."

" I insist." 

"Stop being so nice to me!!" i said out loud angry

 Jeong Yunho / The unexpected photographer Where stories live. Discover now